alpine9000 / squirt

squirt - Remotely manage your Amiga over TCP/IP from modern systems
GNU General Public License v3.0
33 stars 4 forks source link

Target directory #10

Closed Muzza closed 3 years ago

Muzza commented 3 years ago

I'd like to be able to send files from PC to a specified directory within the Amigas Incoming directory. Currently I have to send the file (via squirt) and then use squirt_exec to MakeDir, Copy, then Delete. It would be a lot nicer to use a single command like 'squirt '

Great project BTW, I'm finding it very useful!

alpine9000 commented 3 years ago

This commit isn't exactly what you asked for, but it might be better than nothing. squirt now accepts an optional "--dest=blah" argument, however this argument must be an absolute path. I'm not sure if you're building the client stuff yourself, if you're not let me know and I can make a release. There is no change to the squirtd server needed for this.

kowoba commented 3 years ago

Thanks, --dest is very useful, I use RAM: as default, and that can be a problem with large files :)

(By combining squirt_exec and squirt in shell scripts or functions, it is now easy to do things like "amiput myfile.lha dh3:downloads/yourfile.lha", where amiput is a script or function, and have destdir path created automatically before the squirt, and file renamed afterwards.)

Muzza commented 3 years ago

Sounds great, thanks Alpine. Although I can build the code locally, the releases do make life easier if you get around to it. I'm running it from Windows. I'll try and give it a go soon on my end.

alpine9000 commented 3 years ago

I ended up creating a v0.3 release that should have this functionality in it.