alps-io / spec

ALPS Specification documents.
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add TAGS property to all elements #88

Closed mamund closed 3 years ago

mamund commented 3 years ago

add the TAGS element to DESCRIPTOR, LINK, DOC, EXT, and ALPS elements as a way to have "tag bucket" to add useful values to any element. this will make implementing reader/writers easier w/o requiring lots of additional document format approvals in the future. The value of the TAGS element is a space-separated list.

<alps version="1.0" tags="draft">
  <link href="" tags="help-file" />
  <doc tags="abstract">
    Haberdashery vocabulary for hat stores with added features fo snocaps and hoodies.
  <descriptor id="hatSize" type="semantic" tags="property documentation">
    <ext id="sizeList" value="7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12"  tags="enum documentation" />

in the above example, the TAGS contain the following unique values: draft, help-file, abstract, property, documentation, enum

filip26 commented 3 years ago

What is the relationship between tags and rel?

All other attributes and elements use singular form, what about just tag?

mamund commented 3 years ago

let's clarify relation between TAG and REL

mamund commented 3 years ago

i wrote up a document to describe use of ID, NAME, REL, and TAG here:

if there are no objections, I'd like to add TAG to the spec (as OPTIONAL) and incorporate the doc guidance into the spec, too.
