alptium / healthcare

MIT License
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Sprint 1 - Review #11

Open valentinajemuovic opened 6 years ago

valentinajemuovic commented 6 years ago


Improvement comments:

  1. General: Make a single project called alptium-healthcare (please put code from existing projects into this project)
  2. General: Java convention for package names:
  3. General (correct in 99% cases): Don't use @SuppressWarnings("unused") and if there are any warnings, please resolve them
  4. General: When warnings about unused imports, click on remove unused imports
  5. General: If there is any remaining work, please use TODO comment because then that casues the task to appear inside the Tasks tab
  6. Doctor: When asking the user "Are you employed (true/false)"
  7. Doctor: I want to be able to input details for multiple doctors
  8. Doctor: After I finished inputting details about the doctors, please output the list of all the doctors and some basic statistics (e.g. count of counts) - similar like report (similar like outputting was done for patient)
  9. Doctor: please have 1-line break between methods, checking spelling, checking capitalization, checking last bracket
  10. Patient: Check formatting of output, space after : and also display of name and surname, and address (e.g. space for name, and for address ,)
  11. Pharmacies: Please make singular
  12. General: comments in English
  13. Main logic fix: choise.equals("D") || choise.equals("d") (use debugger)
  14. Main: if I choose a menu. e.g. Doctor, after I input a doctor it should ask me if I want to input another doctor, or see the list of doctors inputted up to now, or to go back to the main menu

Management improvements:

  1. Naming of tasks to be more indicative of work being done, e.g. Patient Class, Patient Input, Patient Output (just examples, you have freedom to decide what's best)
  2. Checking consistency of the code formatting before submission
  3. You make tasks and assign to people, if someone cannot do task, should inform Project Lead on ticket, and then Project lead re-assigns task to someone else