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Alptium Payroll
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Project Management - Sprint 2 Retrospective #10

Open MarijaBircevic opened 6 years ago

MarijaBircevic commented 6 years ago

1. What worked or went well?

@Bojana06 and I have good communication and very easy to arrange around responsibilities, work as a team and help each other. It happens that we do not have the same idea, which is good, because we consider more options and together choose the best one.

2. What caused the problems, failed to work propertly, or did not go well?

We had a problem with the timing, because both of us had additional obligations and Bojana was not in Serbia over the weekend, so our code is not as wide as we wanted to be.

3. What can be done differently in the next sprint to improve the process and overcome the problems occurring previously?

First of all, we need to better organize the time, correct the first sprint errors, and finish tasks for the current sprint on time.

@valentinacupac To write this content, I used the information from the following link: