alsmith / multicast-relay

Relay multicast and broadcast packets between interfaces.
GNU General Public License v3.0
304 stars 47 forks source link

Too many retransmissions for SSDP unicast packets #50

Closed vvd170501 closed 3 years ago

vvd170501 commented 3 years ago

multicast-relay relays SSDP multicast packets (as well as any other multicast/broadcast packets) to all available interfaces.

If multicast-relay is used with --ssdpUnicastAddr, SSDP multicast packets are still relayed to all interfaces. This behaviour is not optimal - SSDP unicast listener is created only for --ssdpUnicastAddr, so unicast responses on interfaces with different addresses will be never received.

Steps to reproduce: run --verbose --foreground --interfaces $IFACE1 $IFACE2 --ssdpUnicastAddr $IFACE1_ADDR, send a SSDP multicast packet from another machine connected to the same network as $IFACE1

Expected behaviour: packet is not relayed to $IFACE2 (since the unicast listener listens on $IFACE1)

Actual behaviour: packet is relayed from $IFACE1 to $IFACE2