alsmith / multicast-relay

Relay multicast and broadcast packets between interfaces.
GNU General Public License v3.0
304 stars 47 forks source link

Issue with LinkPlay Devices #53

Open thecreativeone91 opened 3 years ago

thecreativeone91 commented 3 years ago

Not sure what the exact issue is here, but the relay works great for all my other devices from my IoT vlan to my normal vlan but my OSD Audio SRT4 which use do not work through their control app (mostly for merging for multiroom), I have temporarily allowed all ports and protocols from these devices through the firewall so I know it's not that, they work fine with Spotify connect and airplay just not the control app. Using Wireshark I do see the capture of the Multicast dns entry within the IoT subnet but nothing in the normal network when using the control app.

Here's a sample someone else posted of the entry and mine looks similar:

Here's mine capture from my IoT network image

Is there anything that would be preventing this from working?

I found some good on how they work here but it doesn't talk about the mDNS:

alsmith commented 3 years ago

Do you think you could do a capture on the interface where the IoT VLAN lives? I'm sure that the mDNS code is doing the right thing with rebroadcasting - that's solidly tested - but I'm curious to know whether this elicits any kind of response at all?

thecreativeone91 commented 3 years ago

Do you think you could do a capture on the interface where the IoT VLAN lives? I'm sure that the mDNS code is doing the right thing with rebroadcasting - that's solidly tested - but I'm curious to know whether this elicits any kind of response at all?

That's actually from the IoT vlan, a capture when I'm on the normal VLAN shows mDNS requests but not any from that device.