alsmith / multicast-relay

Relay multicast and broadcast packets between interfaces.
GNU General Public License v3.0
304 stars 47 forks source link

Tutorial #55

Open VeniceNerd opened 3 years ago

VeniceNerd commented 3 years ago


this plugin looks exactly like what I need but I’m wondering if a tutorial is available on how to install and how to use it?

I would like to install this in a docker container (via Portainer) on my raspberry Pi to route mdns traffic between my main lan and my VPN VLAN. Currently ubiquity does not forward mdns traffic to the VPN.

Couple of questions:

And if anyone knows any YouTube tutorials or step by step guides that would be wonderful! Right now I’m having a bit of a hard time getting everything to work.

Thanks so much!

alsmith commented 3 years ago

Hi there!

To enable your Pi to see VLANs, you'd need to do the following somewhere in the system's startup scripts. If you need to talk to vlan 10, for example, this is how you'd set that up.

vconfig add eth0 10 ifconfig eth0.10 up

Then pass in the required interface names to multicast-relay - this would bridge mDNS etc between eth0 and vlan 10.:

./ --interfaces eth0 eth0.10

Does this help you out ?

VeniceNerd commented 3 years ago

Hey thanks so much for your time explaining this!

Quick questions:

Thank again for your help!

alsmith commented 3 years ago

Hi @VeniceNerd !

1) I reckon that if you manage to get the discovery working via the Pi, that you'd not need to install anything special on the DMP.

2) Ah you'd have to work out how to either get it to run dhcpd and grab an address, or configure the address manually in somewhere like /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1.conf

3) And finally, you'd need something like macvlan so that the docker container appears directly on the network rather than via the docker's networking stack. Then again, the very easiest way to run this is just add the invocation into /etc/rc.local and call it good. Maybe I'm not seeing what benefits a docker container has?

Kind regards, Al.

VeniceNerd commented 3 years ago

Interesting. So do you recon it would be easier to just install this on the UDMP since it sits right at the source instead of installing it on a raspberry pi?

I have to install all of this remotely since im currently stuck in Europe and im a bit nervous about messing something up. ;)

alsmith commented 3 years ago

Ah no I was thinking that it would be easier to install it on the Pi directly, rather than put it in a docker container on the Pi.

noumenon272 commented 2 years ago

In case anyone stumbles on this:

after quite a lot of trial and error, I managed to get this to work via docker compose in a docker container not on my unifi system (rather it is on my server where I also run a dockerized version of the unifi controller). the sticking point, ultimately, was that the interface names inside the container are eth0, eth1 etc. once I figured that out, it was pretty straight forward. I have macvlans for each vlan defined by my Unifi UXG.

    container_name: multicast-relay
    image: scyto/multicast-relay
    restart: unless-stopped
      - PUID=${PUID}
      - PGID=${PGID}
      - TZ=${TZ}
      - INTERFACES=eth0 eth1 eth2 eth3 eth4 eth5
      - OPTS=--noMDNS

    driver: macvlan
      parent: bond0
        - subnet:
    driver: macvlan
      parent: bond0.20
        - subnet: 

etc for all additional vlans
scyto commented 2 years ago

@noumenon272 welcome to the world of linux interfaces :-) yes there rarely bridges on standard servers which is why you dont need to use BRx interfaces.

You shouldn't need to use macvlan - host networking will work just as well (of course if you want a different mac for this traffic and used macvlan for that thats ok too :-) )

want to suggest an edit to the project readme about interfaces? feel free to clone the rep and propose some changes in a PR.

noumenon272 commented 2 years ago

@scyto That would only work if the host had an IP or interface on each vlan, correct?

B/c my host only has one IP and then it has a bunch of docker containers on different vlans.