alsmith / multicast-relay

Relay multicast and broadcast packets between interfaces.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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UniFi UDM Pro v3.1.x #80

Open commiepinko opened 3 months ago

commiepinko commented 3 months ago

For several years now, I've used multi-cast relay on a UniFi UDM Pro to make mDNS broadcast from my LAN visible to my VLANs, while preventing the VLANs from broadcast to each other. It's been great, until a recent UniFi upgrade broke it. The log shows MR running but advertised services and whatnot are no longer visible from client machines. After a day of fighting with it, I'm forced to admit my wireshark/network skills aren't up to troubleshooting the problem.

My run script, ifFilter.json, and log file are attached. The DM's mDNS settings are disabled, as they've always been. A simplified setup relaying between the LAN and a single VLAN fails as well. I'm baffled by the log, which shows everything working as normal while none of the devices being advertised are visible anywhere other than the LAN.

I'd be radically grateful for even a hint.

25-multicast-relay.txt ifFilter.json multicast-relay.log