alsmith / multicast-relay

Relay multicast and broadcast packets between interfaces.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Can't discover Samsung TV in Youtube app #87

Open fherreror opened 2 months ago

fherreror commented 2 months ago

Thanks for this tool. Is awesome. I have installed it, and I managed to get it working relayin SSDP and even mdns between vlans. In fact, now, I can discover my LG TV (VLAN 10) from the youtube app in my mobile phone (VLAN 20). The problem is that I cannot discover my samsung TV (VLAN 10) from youtube app in mobile phobe (VLAN 20)

I am using wireshark to inspect packages. And I see, when connected to the same VLAN, that:

I have configured multicast-relay to relay and to VLAN 20, and I can see those packages from VLAN 20. However my Samsung TV keeps not showing in youtube APP. The only thing left is relaying, however, multicast-relay says it is not a broadcast ip so it does not work.

Is there a way to solve this? Thanks in advance for your hep

alsmith commented 2 months ago

Try asking it to relay ?

fherreror commented 2 months ago

Try asking it to relay ?

It didn't worked. However, I've been looking into it, and I have found that it may be a Samsung problem, that the TV don't allow web sockets across bland.