alsora / ros2-ORB_SLAM2

ROS2 node wrapping the ORB_SLAM2 library
GNU General Public License v3.0
130 stars 30 forks source link

publisher topics not ..publishing #14

Closed MrDarknessWolf closed 1 year ago

MrDarknessWolf commented 1 year ago

So im running Orbslam2 on Ros foxy, inside ubuntu 20.4, and im testing the D435i for the camera , i already re mapped the subscribers topics to camera/color/image_raw and the depth to the depth topic of the camera, everything opens it shows the pointcloud , BUT the topics are empty for orbslam, i run the camera with the parameters for the D435i in RGBD with : ros2 launch realsense2_camera depth_width:=424 depth_height:=240 color_width:=424 color_height:=240.


I also used this orbslam2 instead of the original since it fixes issues with the pangolin being over 0.6 version which no longer compiles the original orbslam2, and it builds perfect, i just dont know why the topics wich i know it should have :

/orb_slam2/camera_pose /orb_slam2/point_cloud_map /orb_slam2/feature_keypoints /orb_slam2/feature_matches /orb_slam2/loop_closure:

MrDarknessWolf commented 1 year ago

further reading i understand that there isnt any publishers at all please close