alsora / ros2-ORB_SLAM2

ROS2 node wrapping the ORB_SLAM2 library
GNU General Public License v3.0
130 stars 30 forks source link

Query Regarding Compatibility with ROS 2 Humble #20

Open Buddies-as-you-know opened 7 months ago

Buddies-as-you-know commented 7 months ago


I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to inquire about the compatibility of the ros2-ORB_SLAM2 repository with ROS 2 Humble. I am currently planning to use this package in a project that is based on ROS 2 Humble, and I wanted to confirm whether it is compatible or if there are any known issues.

Any information or guidance you can provide on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and effort in maintaining this valuable repository.

Best regards,

alsora commented 7 months ago

Hi, I haven't used this repository in a while and I have no idea whether it works with Humble. At a minimum, you will need to make some small changes to the ROS 2 methods used.

If you are going to use it with ROS 2 Humble, feel free to open Pull Requests with the changes required to make it work.

Buddies-as-you-know commented 7 months ago

Thank you.