alt-dima / tofugu

Infrastructure layers configuration orchestrator for OpenTofu or Terraform
Apache License 2.0
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Toaster-ToasterDB beta-testers wanted! #10

Open alt-dima opened 2 months ago

alt-dima commented 2 months ago

Please go to , fill form with Account Name, Email and press Create User You will receive a message with generated credentials and ready-to-use export command like

Please execute in shell to set toasterurl:
export toasterurl=

Swagger API docs (full API documentation and examples):

To upload/update dimensions in Toaster from your Inventory Files repo you could use script example and execute it like bash examples/ examples/inventory/

It could be used in tofugu and directly from any other your application, for example: Jenkins, CircleCI

Feel free to post your feedback in the comments! Thank you!

alt-dima commented 2 months ago

Example usage in Jenkins groovy:

import groovy.json.JsonSlurper

def toasterDimValuesRequest(String dimkey){
    def accessToken = "662cab7c5e116819738b01fe:wrongpass".bytes.encodeBase64().toString()
    def req = new URL("${dimkey}").openConnection();
    req.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic " + accessToken)
    def content = req.getInputStream().getText()
    json = new JsonSlurper().parseText(content)
    return json.Dimensions.DimValue



[staging1, staging2]
alt-dima commented 2 months ago

Swagger API docs (full API documentation and examples):