altafino / react-webpack-5-tailwind-2

React 17 Boilerplate with Webpack 6, Tailwind 2, using babel, SASS/PostCSS, HMR, dotenv and an optimized production build
MIT License
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Purge-Problem #7

Closed coolskin2b closed 3 years ago

coolskin2b commented 3 years ago

Hello, First thanks for what you have done Stefan. I m looking about the result of the build optimization for the css and i always got 3mo of css file. I m new with thailwind and webpack. I found this doc about purgecss and webpack : after added :

yarn add purgecss-webpack-plugin --dev

i added this lines in

  const PurgecssPlugin = require('purgecss-webpack-plugin')

    new Dotenv({
      path: './.env.production',
    // Extracts CSS into separate files
    // Note: style-loader is for development, MiniCssExtractPlugin is for production
    new MiniCssExtractPlugin({
      filename: 'styles/[name].[contenthash].css',
      chunkFilename: '[id].css',
// added this lines :
      new PurgecssPlugin({
      paths: glob.sync(`${paths.src}/**/*`, { nodir: true }),
// end of lines

When i have done that the css file size now is : 3 ko.

Do you think this is the good way to reduce the css size or i m wrong and i miss something with your project?

Thanks in advance.

avrapaulo commented 3 years ago

Hey, you don't need to install any additional packages because tailwindcss already gives you this functionality. Everything is set up for that just a little detail is missing. Change this 25 line in package.json

"build": "NODE_ENV=production webpack --config config/",

Now it removes unused CSS you will have around 5kb files.

stefanwuthrich commented 3 years ago

First of all, tk you @coolskin2b to point this out. And tk you @avrapaulo for the solution which is obviously correct. I somewhere removed that and.... It's fixed now. Tks to both.:-)