altendky / docker-c2prog

CodeSkin C2Prog in Wine in Linux in Docker
MIT License
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How should I access c2p GDB Exe this program? #26

Open dingzex opened 2 years ago

dingzex commented 2 years ago

How should I access c2p GDB Exe this program?

altendky commented 2 years ago

I am no longer working with this software so fair warning that it is unlikely to become a focus for me. But...

First, here's a command that let's you enter a bash shell in a new temporary container from the image. From there you can fiddle and explore a bit more interactively.

$ docker run --rm -it --entrypoint=bash altendky/c2prog

Here's the basic command that would run c2p-gdb.exe, though it fails.

$ docker run --rm -it --entrypoint=wine altendky/c2prog '/wine/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/C2Prog/bin/c2p-gdb.exe'
0009:err:module:import_dll Library C5Lua-md_32.dll (which is needed by L"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\C2Prog\\bin\\c2p-gdb.exe") not found
0009:err:module:LdrInitializeThunk Importing dlls for L"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\C2Prog\\bin\\c2p-gdb.exe" failed, status c0000135

But... here's one that seems to help it find the .dll it wanted. I have no idea how to use this so I don't know what else you will need but here it is running with --help anyways.

$ docker run --rm -it --entrypoint=bash altendky/c2prog -c 'cd "${C2PROG_ROOT}"; cd lib; wine ../bin/c2p-gdb.exe --help'
Allowed options:
  --help                    produce help message
  --endianess arg (=little) [big]/[little]
  --lausize arg (=1)        LAU in bytes
  --url arg                 server URL
  --script arg              name of script to be executed
  --url arg (=localhost)    server URL
  --port arg (=3334)        server port

Let me know if this is enough for you to get started. If not then maybe you can say a bit more about your scenario and why you need this. This repository is unofficial but codeskin was interested enough to include a link on their C2Prog page so they may or may not be interested in helping enable your usage. Probably more so if you are paying for a license. :] Regardless, best of luck.

dingzex commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your reply. I'm making a DSP experimental board and my own ide integration for GDB. It seems that it can only be realized with the driver and API provided by Ti. Thank you all the same.

altendky commented 2 years ago

ccstudiodss isn't exactly a general debugger, but it may have some tidbits of interest to you. Maybe also and

dingzex commented 2 years ago

Oh, Dear altenky: wonderful, you are my lost lighthouse, but I found the direction. Thank you very much for giving me such a generous indication to make my project have the courage to continue.