altera2015 / usbserial

Flutter Android USB Serial plugin
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
119 stars 83 forks source link

java.lang.InterruptedException on close invocation #104

Open camillobucciarelli opened 4 months ago

camillobucciarelli commented 4 months ago

When I try to close connection with port.close(); I get the following error in console:

D/UsbDeviceConnectionJNI(28094): close
W/System.err(28094): java.lang.InterruptedException
W/System.err(28094):    at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
W/System.err(28094):    at java.lang.Object.wait(
W/System.err(28094):    at java.lang.Object.wait(
W/System.err(28094):    at com.felhr.usbserial.SerialBuffer$SynchronizedBuffer.get(
W/System.err(28094):    at com.felhr.usbserial.SerialBuffer.getWriteBuffer(
W/System.err(28094):    at com.felhr.usbserial.UsbSerialDevice$WriteThread.doRun(
W/System.err(28094):    at

there is something that I'm doing wrong?

Thank you

rockerer commented 3 months ago

Hi, can you provde a small code example, how you use the lib? Some information about the used hardware is helpful, too. Thanks

cwangfr commented 2 weeks ago

i have same problem android-arm • Android 9 (API 28) CH34xSerialDevice Flutter 3.16.9 Dart version 3.2.6

my code is like this

final port = usbDevice.create();
if (await {
      debugPrint("connection success");
          9600, UsbPort.DATABITS_8, UsbPort.STOPBITS_1, UsbPort.PARITY_NONE);
      debugPrint("port parameter: ${port.toString()}");
  final anser = <int>[];
  Timer? timeoutTimer;
  bool success = false;
  final completer = Completer<void>();
  late final StreamSubscription<Uint8List> sub;
  sub = port.inputStream!.listen((event) {
    debugPrint("event: $event, anser: $anser");
    if (response.isEmpty ||
        (response.isNotEmpty && anser.containsAll(response))) {
      success = true;
      if (timeoutTimer != null) timeoutTimer.cancel();
  await port.write(dataSend);

  timeoutTimer = Timer(Duration(milliseconds: timeOut), () {
    if (!success) {
      debugPrint('Timeout: Did not find the required data within 3 seconds');
      sub.cancel(); //cancel Stream
      completer.complete(); // finish Completer
  await completer.future;
// all task finished.
port.close(); // exception is here
rockerer commented 2 weeks ago

Does your android device work with the CH34xSerialDevice when using the example app? What does the error look like?