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Theme for Aptana IDE #9

Closed bueltge closed 12 years ago

bueltge commented 12 years ago

Thanks for your project; now i work still prefer in my IDE:

Anahkiasen commented 12 years ago

Thank you for that, was looking for an Eclipse version of Solarized. This works for Titanium too (the company that bought Aptana).

bueltge commented 12 years ago

sorry, i cant help you. the aptana has not an export for eclipse format. But maybe you use this build:

Anahkiasen commented 12 years ago

No no it works. Aptana is based on Eclipse, Titanium too. That theme should work on all Eclipse based IDE.

bueltge commented 12 years ago

really; thats fine. Its clear for me, that Aptana a add on Eclipse, but i dont find an import of the themes to eclipse.