altercation / solarized

precision color scheme for multiple applications (terminal, vim, etc.) with both dark/light modes
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puTTY syntax highlighting using two different colors #189

Open johnbiederstedt opened 12 years ago

johnbiederstedt commented 12 years ago

When using the putty custom color setup, vim in terminal mode has two background colors, which doesn't happen with other terminal schemes like iTerm. Basically, it looks like anything bolded gets a slightly darker background (the 0,43,54 background) than everything else, which doesn't look like that's the intended outcome. It looks like I've tried different puTTY settings, but so far have had no luck. Has anyone else seen this and fixed it? I can "fix" it my changing the default background to be the same as the bold background, but I'd rather not to that if there's a puTTY option that needs to be set

johnbiederstedt commented 12 years ago

my .vimrc:

" save global variables that consists of upper case letters set viminfo+=! " save 50 lines of each register set hlsearch " highlight search terms set incsearch " show matches as they are found

syntax enable set background=dark colorscheme solarized

if has("gui_running") if has("guigtk2") set guifont=Bitstream\ vera\ sans\ mono\ 11 elseif has("x11") set guifont="-bitstream-bitstream vera sans mono-medium-r-normal---110---c--_-*" else set lines=32 columns=132 set guifont=Bitstream_vera_sans_mono:h11:cDEFAULT endif endif

set ruler

function InsertTabWrapper() let col = col('.') - 1 if !col || getline('.')[col - 1] !~ '\k' return "" else return "" endif endfunction

fjzeit commented 12 years ago

I had a similar issue today. I fixed it by changing the Putty terminal type to xterm-256color as this was a clear difference between my local login and a login via Putty which was reporting the terminal as xterm.

The terminal type is set in the putty session config in Connection -> Data -> Terminal type string