altercation / vim-colors-solarized

precision colorscheme for the vim text editor
6.58k stars 1.75k forks source link

termguicolors #205

Open dylnmc opened 6 years ago

dylnmc commented 6 years ago

This repo, despite all of its superfluous code, does not support termguicolors. You literally just plop in the the hex values into the gui fg/bg: highlight group guibg=#000000 guifg=#ffffff.


Since I saw another closed issue that suggested how to incorporate termguicolors, I will put this screenshot here since it definitely doesn't work for me. I ran:

:colorscheme solarized
:echo 'colorscheme: '.g:colors_name.'; termguicolors: '.&termguicolors

Here is the result:

screenshot from 2018-07-18 08 19 08

reedjosh commented 4 years ago

Same issue here for me.