altercation / vim-colors-solarized

precision colorscheme for the vim text editor
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How to use with vim8 packages? #213

Closed coolaj86 closed 4 years ago

coolaj86 commented 4 years ago

I've always used pathogen, but now that vim supports native plugins, I thought I'd give that a go:

mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start/

git clone --depth=1 \ \

Not too surprised that it didn't work. I'm not sure what makes one package manager work vs another and if there needs to be a special file that isn't included in the repo currently.

Any thoughts?

rharish101 commented 4 years ago

You need to set the color scheme after loading the packages. For example, this is my setup with solarized-dark:

packloadall          " load all plugins
silent! helptags ALL " load all helptags

" Syntax highlighting requires a loaded plugin
syntax on
set background=dark
let g:solarized_underline = 0 " disable underlining, esp. for folds
colorscheme solarized

Notice that the line colorscheme solarized is set after the line packloadall.

coolaj86 commented 4 years ago

It works!
