alternetsoft / AlternetUI

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Implement missing properties and methods for UI controls #7

Closed dmitry-medvedev closed 6 months ago

dmitry-medvedev commented 1 year ago

methUI.csv propUI.csv

generalloki commented 1 year ago

Reported by @neoxeo : Here are 4 files to compare "Properties" and "Methods" between Winforms and Drawing with Alternet.

propUI.csv propDW.csv methUI.csv methDW.csv

neoxeo commented 1 year ago


generalloki commented 1 year ago


I beleive you mean methDW and popDW should be in #6 I will add a comment to #6 about this. Anyway absent properties and methods will be added on the same stage of development.

neoxeo commented 1 year ago

Yes, methDW and popDW should be in #6, thanks to understand me :-)

generalloki commented 9 months ago

We started a process of making UI more compatible with WinForms. New classes, enums, methods which are present in WinForms are being added to the UI. Also some enums will be renamed to be more compatible with WinForms. I will post an updates here.

generalloki commented 9 months ago
neoxeo commented 9 months ago


Update files to compare same/different methods/properties between AlternetUI version 0.9.410.0 and .Net8.0 Forms : Properties_ANUI_Net8.0_2023.12.02_070609.xlsx Methods_ANUI_Net8.0_2023.12.02_070609.xlsx

generalloki commented 9 months ago

@neoxeo , Thanks!

Finally, I started to use your tables and find them very convenient to use. Our current goal is to port fully functional Alternet.Editor to Alternet.UI, so all changes will be in this area. I will post here an updates of our progress.

generalloki commented 9 months ago
neoxeo commented 9 months ago


I want to add "Events" in my extract. I test to find Events for Button with this code :

private void getEvts()
    // load ANUI dll
    var assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(@"C:\Users\Testeur1\source\repos\AlternetUI\Source\Alternet.UI\bin\Debug\net8.0\Alternet.UI.dll");

    // get types
    foreach (var type in assembly.GetTypes())
        if (type.FullName == "Alternet.UI.Button")
            //EventInfo[] events = type.GetEvents(BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);
            EventInfo[] events = type.GetEvents();
            foreach (var item in events)

Result : System.EventHandler TextChanged System.EventHandler GotFocus System.EventHandler LostFocus System.EventHandler CurrentStateChanged System.EventHandler ToolTipChanged System.EventHandler IsMouseOverChanged System.EventHandler Click System.EventHandler ParentChanged System.EventHandler1[Alternet.UI.PaintEventArgs] Paint System.EventHandler MarginChanged System.EventHandler PaddingChanged System.EventHandler VisibleChanged System.EventHandler AfterShow System.EventHandler AfterHide System.EventHandler MouseCaptureLost System.EventHandler MouseEnter System.EventHandler MouseLeave System.EventHandler EnabledChanged System.EventHandler BackgroundChanged System.EventHandler ForegroundChanged System.EventHandler FontChanged System.EventHandler VerticalAlignmentChanged System.EventHandler HorizontalAlignmentChanged System.EventHandler SizeChanged System.EventHandler LocationChanged System.EventHandler1[Alternet.UI.DragStartEventArgs] DragStart System.EventHandler1[Alternet.UI.DragEventArgs] DragDrop System.EventHandler1[Alternet.UI.DragEventArgs] DragOver System.EventHandler`1[Alternet.UI.DragEventArgs] DragEnter System.EventHandler DragLeave System.EventHandler Idle Alternet.UI.DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler DataContextChanged Alternet.UI.KeyEventHandler PreviewKeyDown Alternet.UI.MouseEventHandler MouseMove Alternet.UI.MouseButtonEventHandler PreviewMouseDown Alternet.UI.MouseButtonEventHandler MouseDown System.EventHandler LayoutUpdated Alternet.UI.MouseButtonEventHandler MouseLeftButtonDown Alternet.UI.MouseButtonEventHandler PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp Alternet.UI.MouseButtonEventHandler MouseRightButtonDown Alternet.UI.MouseButtonEventHandler PreviewMouseRightButtonUp Alternet.UI.MouseEventHandler PreviewMouseMove Alternet.UI.MouseButtonEventHandler MouseUp Alternet.UI.MouseButtonEventHandler MouseRightButtonUp Alternet.UI.MouseButtonEventHandler PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown Alternet.UI.KeyEventHandler KeyDown Alternet.UI.MouseButtonEventHandler PreviewMouseDoubleClick Alternet.UI.MouseButtonEventHandler MouseDoubleClick Alternet.UI.MouseButtonEventHandler PreviewMouseUp Alternet.UI.TextInputEventHandler PreviewTextInput Alternet.UI.TextInputEventHandler TextInput Alternet.UI.KeyEventHandler PreviewKeyUp Alternet.UI.MouseButtonEventHandler PreviewMouseRightButtonDown Alternet.UI.MouseWheelEventHandler PreviewMouseWheel Alternet.UI.MouseWheelEventHandler MouseWheel Alternet.UI.MouseButtonEventHandler MouseLeftButtonUp Alternet.UI.KeyEventHandler KeyUp System.EventHandler Disposed

But there are some events that are present in this list but not present when I want to use button like this : image

I have tried to play with Bindings Flags like "BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public" ... but without success.

Any idea ? Thanks

generalloki commented 9 months ago

Basically to get list of events I use the following code:

            var events = AssemblyUtils.EnumEvents(typeof(Button), true);

            foreach (var item in events)

What exactly event handler you want to assing?

neoxeo commented 9 months ago

Thanks. I will test this tomorrow.

I don't want to assign event, just get all of events for each component to identify which event present into Winforms and not présent into AlternetUI, like properties and methods.

neoxeo commented 9 months ago

Thank a lot for your help.

With your code I have find that I don't analyze the last AlternetUI DLL. So result I waited for wasn(t the good.

My code works fine, so now I can get Properties, Methods and Events like that : image

I will post tomorrow, new Excel file to compare Events between Window.Forms and AlternetUI

neoxeo commented 9 months ago


Here is an update with Properties, Methods and Events for commit version 144b44c1d94a985e93a5b3510fdb322202648f3c :

Properties_ANUI_Net8.0_2023.12.10_130058.xlsx Methods_ANUI_Net8.0_2023.12.10_130058.xlsx Events_ANUI_Net8.0_2023.12.10_130058.xlsx

generalloki commented 9 months ago

Many thanks! Our current goal is to add enough props and methods so Alternet.Editor worked fine in Alterent.UI. After that we will move forward to other props and methods.

neoxeo commented 9 months ago

Perfect ! Alternet.Editor will be a fantastic bonus to help user to create/migrate applications. And with all methods, properties and event you add and you will add, migration will be easier. I'm so happy 😊

Thanks a lot