altillimity / AltiWx

Yet another automated SDR-based station software
35 stars 11 forks source link

Issues during building #16

Open OZ1SEJ opened 2 years ago

OZ1SEJ commented 2 years ago

Haven't gotten it to work quite yet, just wanted to comment on the installation instructions:

  1. When compiling yaml-cpp on the Raspberry Pi 3B the memory maxed out for over an hour. I didn't kill it, and in the end it actually succeeded. By the way, there's an error in a test file in yaml-cpp when compiling on a Raspberry Pi that you need to correct first, but that's another story...
  2. Maybe you should be more explicit that the config file and the scripts folder should be located in the same directory as the executable.
  3. Perhaps it should be mentioned that if you want to use the scripts, you need to install the tools referenced there. For example aptdec in, NOAA-HIRS-Decoder (which I haven't managed to get to work yet) or medet for METEOR-M 2. Compiling medet by the way requires fpc which takes up more than 900 MB on the sd card... Also, the "convert" command in the extended meteor-script is contained within imagemagick. It would be nice to just mention that :-)