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decorators and webpack #11

Closed darul75 closed 8 years ago

darul75 commented 8 years ago


I can not figure out how to use decorator with webpack, I mean if I want to use

class AppStore {

I put this in my webpack config

{ test: /\.js?$/, loaders: ['react-hot', 'babel?presets[]=react,presets[]=es2015,plugins[]=syntax-decorators'], exclude: /(node_modules|__tests__)/ },

But webpack is not aware of annotation I guess and decorator not interpreted, so I came to old way of doing

// no matter if makeHot not used but only createStore decorator
let appStore = makeHot(alt, immutable(class AppStore {
  constructor() {



taion commented 8 years ago

Babel 6 doesn't support decorators yet:

You can try the legacy transform plugin if you want: