I got following error when calling export_fig through the added path, when the working directory is different than the folder containing it.
export_fig error. Please ensure:
that you are using the latest version of export_fig
and that you have Ghostscript installed
and that you have pdftops installed
and that you do not have multiple versions of export_fig installed by mistake
and that you did not made a mistake in the expected input arguments
If the problem persists, then please report a new issue.
Error using fix_lines
Too many output arguments.
Error in print2eps (line 497)
fstrm = fix_lines(fstrm);
Error in export_fig (line 808)
print2eps(tmp_nam, fig, options, printArgs{:});
Error in plot_results1 (line 38)
I got following error when calling export_fig through the added path, when the working directory is different than the folder containing it.
export_fig error. Please ensure: that you are using the latest version of export_fig and that you have Ghostscript installed and that you have pdftops installed and that you do not have multiple versions of export_fig installed by mistake and that you did not made a mistake in the expected input arguments
If the problem persists, then please report a new issue.
Error using fix_lines Too many output arguments.
Error in print2eps (line 497) fstrm = fix_lines(fstrm);
Error in export_fig (line 808) print2eps(tmp_nam, fig, options, printArgs{:});
Error in plot_results1 (line 38) export_fig(strcat(dirAddress,figname,'expo'),'-png','.eps','-pdf','-transparent','-painters');