Warning thrown: "Error parsing regexprep: Brace indexing is not supported for variables of this type."
Originates at line 578 in print2eps.m. I did not provide a -regexprep argument, so export_options.regexprep is empty, leading to this error (caught and re-thrown as warning) when trying to access export_options.regexprep{1}.
Uncommenting the end of the conditional at line 576 resolves the issue.
@samsrabin thanks - I have no idea why that part of the conditional was commented-out in the first place, it makes little sense... Anyway, it's fixed now, thanks again :-)
Warning thrown: "Error parsing regexprep: Brace indexing is not supported for variables of this type."
Originates at line 578 in print2eps.m. I did not provide a
argument, soexport_options.regexprep
is empty, leading to this error (caught and re-thrown as warning) when trying to accessexport_options.regexprep{1}
.Uncommenting the end of the conditional at line 576 resolves the issue.
MATLAB R2020a, export_fig v3.15.