altmp / altv-client-js

Official clientside JavaScript runtime for alt:V
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Referenced CPP-SDK branch does not match with dev branch #30

Closed Silverdark closed 3 years ago

Silverdark commented 3 years ago

While trying to build this the first time, I encountered following issue.

The CPP-SDK added LoadYtyp and UnloadYtyp 3 days ago in the dev branch. This is also implemented here in the dev branch.

Unfortunately the CMakeLists.txt is targeting the master branch of the CPP-SDK, which results into build errors. When changing the branch manually to dev it's working fine. This is not a major issue but was kind of strange in the beginning.

There are now two options:

Build errors when trying to build without any changes:

D:\altv\altv-client-js\src\bindings\Main.cpp(551,2): error C2039: 'LoadYtyp': is not a member of 'alt::ICore' [D:\altv\altv-client-js\BUILD\altv-client-js-static.vcxproj]
D:\altv\altv-client-js\BUILD\_deps\altv-js-deps-src\cpp-sdk/ICore.h(44): message : see declaration of 'alt::ICore' [D:\altv\altv-client-js\BUILD\altv-client-js-static.vcxproj]
D:\altv\altv-client-js\src\bindings\Main.cpp(551,2): error C2660: 'v8::Boolean::New': function does not take 1 arguments [D:\altv\altv-client-js\BUILD\altv-client-js-static.vcxproj]
D:\altv\altv-client-js\BUILD\_deps\altv-js-deps-src\include\v8.h(11359,25): message : see declaration of 'v8::Boolean::New' [D:\altv\altv-client-js\BUILD\altv-client-js-static.vcxproj]
D:\altv\altv-client-js\src\bindings\Main.cpp(561,2): error C2039: 'UnloadYtyp': is not a member of 'alt::ICore' [D:\altv\altv-client-js\BUILD\altv-client-js-static.vcxproj]
D:\altv\altv-client-js\BUILD\_deps\altv-js-deps-src\cpp-sdk/ICore.h(44): message : see declaration of 'alt::ICore' [D:\altv\altv-client-js\BUILD\altv-client-js-static.vcxproj]
D:\altv\altv-client-js\src\bindings\Main.cpp(561,2): error C2660: 'v8::Boolean::New': function does not take 1 arguments [D:\altv\altv-client-js\BUILD\altv-client-js-static.vcxproj]
D:\altv\altv-client-js\BUILD\_deps\altv-js-deps-src\include\v8.h(11359,25): message : see declaration of 'v8::Boolean::New' [D:\altv\altv-client-js\BUILD\altv-client-js-static.vcxproj]
Silverdark commented 3 years ago

29 would fix this aswell.