alturismo / owi2plex

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The program takes an infinite amount of time to generate the .xml file. #1

Open flammable-gel opened 3 years ago

flammable-gel commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to get this container to work but I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. Basically when it executes a command for a bouquet that doesn't exist, the program returns me the obviously empty .xml file. When I run the command for a bouquet that exists, the program takes an infinite amount of time (it's like it crashes) to generate the .xml file. For Openwebif there are no credentials, and the link from which it tries to get the data for the epg is correct and actually contains the information on the channels. Thank you Cattura

alturismo commented 2 years ago

sorry for the late replay ;) didnt recognize the issue

owi2plex doesnt work without credentials afaik, so may set a user, pass and try again.