alucas / Snorlax

Xposed module (Android) to check pokemons stats
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[Idea] Use Snorlax to feed Lucky Egg calculator #38

Open jane0815 opened 7 years ago

jane0815 commented 7 years ago

It would be awesome if the module could export pokemon number and candys to feed an Lucky Egg Calc App like this:

alucas commented 7 years ago

It might not be too difficult to export Pokemon and eggs count, we just need to define a format ;)

tstiegler commented 7 years ago

Hey, I'm the owner of pogosuite. This would be pretty simple to do since there is already an import format via URL.

The format starts as a JSON array, for example.

    "i": "16",
    "c": "144",
    "p": "15",
    "d": false
    "i": "13",
    "c": "190",
    "p": "20",
    "d": true

It is an array of objects, each object represents a pokemon.

So the JSON block above represents: Pidgey (15, 144 candy, not a new dex), Weedle (13, 190 candy, new dex entry).

After that point, the JSON object is stringified and then converted to base64 (Im not sure this is entirely required but i liked printable characters being in the URLs). This is then added to the URL after a hash. So the resulting URL would be.

However, i'm not sure how this will react if the app is already on the device. I'm not too sure they will integrate properly.