alucryd / oxyromon

Rusty ROM OrgaNizer
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[Feature]: Add RV7z support #37

Open freitagdavid opened 2 years ago

freitagdavid commented 2 years ago

Romvault now has a 7zip format similar to torrent7z where it creates uniform solid archives though with more features. I would love to see it supported in this application.

alucryd commented 2 years ago

I'll look into it, thanks for bringing it to my attention!

alucryd commented 2 years ago

Couldn't find much information on rv7z, do you maybe have some resources like specs and source code, and some example files?

Just to be clear, would you like something similar to be achieved, or to be able to read/write the exact same format?

Right now I don't have solid archives enabled by default, but that can be easily changed. Arcade games and JB folders would certainly benefit from it.

freitagdavid commented 1 year ago

It's a format specifically built in Romvault. Sorry for the delay on this reply. You'll find a C# implementation of it here.