alumae / gst-kaldi-nnet2-online

GStreamer plugin around Kaldi's online neural network decoder
Apache License 2.0
185 stars 100 forks source link

Kaldi recipes that are supported #97

Open adamchant opened 4 years ago

adamchant commented 4 years ago

Hey guys, I'm kinda new to kaldi. I have implemented the basic tri phone stages for librispeech and also trained the dnn stage using steps/ script on fmmlr features, but when i try to run the gui demo script, i get an error log as follows, after replacing the models directory. ./ PyGIWarning: Gtk was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') before import to ensure that the right version gets loaded. from gi.repository import GObject, Gst, Gtk, Gdk ERROR ([5.5.684~1-03ae8]:ExpectToken() Failed to read token [started at file position 333231], expected

[ Stack-Trace: ] /home/dev/asr_toolkits/kaldi/src/lib/ const+0xb42) [0x7f71b02f26b2] ../src/ const&)+0x21) [0x7f71b26bbedb] /home/dev/asr_toolkits/kaldi/src/lib/, bool, char const*)+0x17f) [0x7f71b02f4315] /home/dev/asr_toolkits/kaldi/src/lib/, bool)+0x3e) [0x7f71abd0bf24] /home/dev/asr_toolkits/kaldi/src/lib/, bool)+0x14) [0x7f71abd19752] ../src/ [0x7f71b26af66e] /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f71d7333bae] /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f71d7334b3e] /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gi/ [0x7f71d77ba8b2] /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gi/ [0x7f71d77bacab] python(PyEval_EvalFrameEx+0x54a) [0x55d5e5a5bbba] python(PyEval_EvalFrameEx+0x52b6) [0x55d5e5a60926] python(PyEval_EvalCodeEx+0x58a) [0x55d5e5a592aa] python(+0x10df29) [0x55d5e5a74f29] python(+0x12670e) [0x55d5e5a8d70e] python(+0x12633a) [0x55d5e5a8d33a] python(+0xe30ab) [0x55d5e5a4a0ab] python(PyEval_EvalFrameEx+0x54b0) [0x55d5e5a60b20] python(PyEval_EvalCodeEx+0x58a) [0x55d5e5a592aa] python(PyEval_EvalCode+0x19) [0x55d5e5a58d19] python(+0x12294f) [0x55d5e5a8994f] python(PyRun_FileExFlags+0x82) [0x55d5e5a84be2] python(PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags+0x18d) [0x55d5e5a8460d] python(Py_Main+0x616) [0x55d5e5a33356] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f71d8fc2b97] python(_start+0x2a) [0x55d5e5a32c4a]

LOG ([5.5.684~1-03ae8]:ComputeDerivedVars() Computing derived variables for iVector extractor LOG ([5.5.684~1-03ae8]:ComputeDerivedVars() Done. ASSERTIONFAILED ([5.5.684~1-03ae8]:LeftContext() Assertion failed: (!components.empty())

[ Stack-Trace: ] /home/dev/asr_toolkits/kaldi/src/lib/ const+0xb42) [0x7f71b02f26b2] /home/dev/asrtoolkits/kaldi/src/lib/ const, char const, int, char const)+0x6e) [0x7f71b02f33ae] /home/dev/asr_toolkits/kaldi/src/lib/ const+0x5d) [0x7f71abd099ad] /home/dev/asr_toolkits/kaldi/src/lib/ const&, kaldi::TransitionModel const&, kaldi::nnet2::DecodableNnet2OnlineOptions const&, kaldi::OnlineFeatureInterface)+0x57) [0x7f71abdb96f1] /home/dev/asr_toolkits/kaldi/src/lib/ const&, kaldi::TransitionModel const&, kaldi::nnet2::AmNnet const&, fst::Fst<fst::ArcTpl<fst::TropicalWeightTpl > > const&, kaldi::OnlineFeatureInterface*)+0x6b) [0x7f71b1e07203] ../src/ [0x7f71b26b54b0] ../src/ [0x7f71b26b691c] /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f71cd802269] /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f71d7079b40] /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f71d7079175] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f71d8d896db] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f71d90c288f]

Aborted (core dumped) Kindly help me understand and debug this log (i am a beginer with kaldi as well), as im unable to understand whats going on or make sense of it.... I get this is not the ivector based dnn am, do i have to run the tdnn scripts in local/nnet3 folder, is there any way I can use the dnn model along with this tool kit...? Thanks