When trying to run current test suite by (environment variable for GST plugin paths set):
python -m unittest discover kaldigstserver *_test.py
it fails on test12345678:
ERROR: test12345678 (decoder2_test.DecoderPipeline2Tests)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/kaldi-gstreamer-server-test/kaldigstserver/decoder2_test.py", line 75, in test12345678
adaptation_state = open("test/data/adaptation_state.txt").read()
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'test/data/adaptation_state.txt'
I tried looking through git log history to check whether the file was accidentally removed at some point by:
git log --all --full-history -- "**/adaptation*"
yet nothing was found. Would it be possible to somehow get the file, if not - instructions on what it should contain.
It seems that adding an empty test/data/adaptation_state.txt makes the test pass. Was this intended? If so, does it really make sense to use the file then?
When trying to run current test suite by (environment variable for GST plugin paths set):
python -m unittest discover kaldigstserver *_test.py
it fails on
:I tried looking through git log history to check whether the file was accidentally removed at some point by:
git log --all --full-history -- "**/adaptation*"
yet nothing was found. Would it be possible to somehow get the file, if not - instructions on what it should contain.