alumag / PinkieBot_discord

Pinkie Pie is a cyber bot for Discord servers that can do cyber things!
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feature suggestion #4

Open tomerfir opened 6 years ago

tomerfir commented 6 years ago

feature suggestion=bot will scream no swearing in my christian minecraft server everytime somebody curses for example: someone says OH FRIGGITY FRICK FUCKING HELL the bot will respond by tagging him and screaming at him. ONLY ONCE, obviously. it should look for strings in the same way it looked for the עד מתי thing. another interesting feature will be to take the curser's profile picture and give it a spank (image) but that will be complicated and probably very stupid. a big problem in the עד מתי thing if someone writes עד מתי twice, it won't respond. that'll probably need to be fixed for the christianMineCraftServerBot. see now it worked for some reason

alumag commented 6 years ago

sounds great! @MeitarR got to work on curses system.