alunny / ChildBrowser

cross-platform ChildBrowser plugin for PhoneGap/Cordova
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Android Java files support Cordova 1.9+, also BlackBerry support #11

Open filmaj opened 12 years ago

filmaj commented 12 years ago

BlackBerry support will be dependent on BlackBerry support landing in pluginstall.

For the Android Java updates, pretty sure this would eliminate support for Cordova before 1.9. Fair warning.

Also consolidated the .js between Android and BlackBerry. No longer require a separate API there.

Finally: put all of the image assets into the common www/childbrowser/ folder. Figured it was not worth keeping separate assets for BlackBerry and Android.

alunny commented 12 years ago

How does 558e2a6 affect Android Cordova > 1.9?

filmaj commented 12 years ago

ctx in plugins hold a reference to the new CordovaInterface class that the embeddable version of Cordova introduces.

So it does not directly translate into an Activity / Context. It can, in most cases it does, but it is not necessary. Think of the case where Cordova is embedded inside a larger native application. No guarantee that the "housing" class is an instance of Activity or Context.