alunny / ChildBrowser

cross-platform ChildBrowser plugin for PhoneGap/Cordova
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crossplatform git checkout not compatible with cordova 2.1 #29

Open Ayame opened 11 years ago

Ayame commented 11 years ago


I followed the guide on but cannot get the CrossPlatform version to work on Android (I haven't tried iOS yet).

I'm using cordova-2.1.js, which is structured differently than the classes you are referencing in the plugin. I already tried chaning the imports to import org.apache.cordova.api.*; instead of the com.phonegap.api urls, but to no avail.

Errors start at "com.phonegap.DroidGap cannot be resolved to a type" to "ctx. cannot be resolved" Is there an easy way to fix this?

Thank you

alunny commented 11 years ago

That screencast is from February, so some things may be out of date - make sure you're using a recent checkout of the ChildBrowser repo (which will be using the org.apache.cordova.api.* imports, for one thing, and no longer DroidGap).