aluveitie / RyzenMacPro

OpenCore EFI for running macOS on Asus X570 ITX
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efi #13

Closed yeapllg closed 2 years ago

yeapllg commented 2 years ago

Hello, can you give me a full version of EFI file, which is applicable to Monterey. I still can't install it with your version 0.77. My motherboard, CPU and graphics card are the same as yours

aluveitie commented 2 years ago

What is the error message you’re stuck on? Did you enter the correct core count in the first three kernel patches?

yeapllg commented 2 years ago


aluveitie commented 2 years ago


yeapllg commented 2 years ago

你好,我用的黑果小兵的安装镜像,用你这边EFI后,发现不了安装monterey分区,但是能看见我的win分区和big sur分区我的scanplicy已经设置为0,

yeapllg commented 2 years ago


yeapllg commented 2 years ago 这是我的config.plist

aluveitie commented 2 years ago

VoodooTSCSyncAMD.kext 不适用于 Monterey

你的 CPU 有多少个内核?

yeapllg commented 2 years ago

3950x 16核的

yeapllg commented 2 years ago

VoodooTSCSyncAMD.kext 这个文件我没动,是您EFI里面的,需要删掉么

aluveitie commented 2 years ago


aluveitie commented 2 years ago


yeapllg commented 2 years ago


aluveitie commented 2 years ago

添加 keepsyms=1 debug=0x100 到 boot-args UEFI设置完成了吗?

aluveitie commented 2 years ago

使用 MacPro7,1 和 6900 XT,您不用 WhateverGreen

yeapllg commented 2 years ago

UEFI设置应该没问题,我现在机子上是big sur,用的0.6.4那个oc

aluveitie commented 2 years ago

我可以看看你的 0.6.4 config.plist 吗?

yeapllg commented 2 years ago

我把boot-args 改成了-v agdpmod=pikera keepsyms=1 debug=0x100,再试试看, 这是我big sur 的0.6.4oc config.plist

yeapllg commented 2 years ago


aluveitie commented 2 years ago

当您将 iMacPro1,1 更改为 MacPro7,1 时,您需要新的 MLB/SystemSerialNumber

yeapllg commented 2 years ago


yeapllg commented 2 years ago


aluveitie commented 2 years ago

这是我当前的 EFI(没有序列号):

我不将板载 NIC 与 Monterey 一起使用

yeapllg commented 2 years ago


不将板载 NIC 与 Monterey 一起使用 这个需要设置哪里吗?

aluveitie commented 2 years ago

我正在使用 5GBe NIC (pacific.kext)。 对于 I211-AT,请使用:

yeapllg commented 2 years ago


aluveitie commented 2 years ago

带有 I211-AT 的以太网是 Monterey 的问题

yeapllg commented 2 years ago


aluveitie commented 2 years ago

12.3 严重破坏了 Navi GPU 的 METAL 性能。 要修复它,您必须切换帧缓冲区:

aluveitie commented 2 years ago

@yeapllg 昨天的 12.3.1 更新修复了 NAVI GPU 问题

yeapllg commented 2 years ago


yeapllg commented 2 years ago

你好,我按照你信的config,提示以下: OC: Plist Kexts\AppleMCEReporterDisabler.kext\Contents\Info.plist is missing for injected kext AppleMCEReporterDisabler.kext (V I Required for 12.3) Halting on critical error


aluveitie commented 2 years ago

您是否将 AppleMCEReporterDisabler.kext 添加到 EFI?

yeapllg commented 2 years ago

添加了,在这里下载的, 把这个去掉后,跑完第一屏代码就直接重启了,也无法启动

aluveitie commented 2 years ago


yeapllg commented 2 years ago 你好,您给看看,我这个就就是直接从您上面下载的EFI-BareMetal里的config.plist

aluveitie commented 2 years ago


您需要设置核心数: algrey - Force cpuid_cores_per_package 12.0 您需要在 BIOS 中禁用 Intel I211AT NIC 或设置 boot-args dk.e1000=0

yeapllg commented 2 years ago

设置核心数量,我在467行那个不对么,我看跟之前0.78是一样的,能把您的EFI发我一下么,我把序列号改成我的就行了。 `

                <string>algrey - Force cpuid_cores_per_package 12.0</string>
aluveitie commented 2 years ago

未设置核心数: Screenshot 2022-04-05 at 07 26 47

yeapllg commented 2 years ago

你好,我把algrey - Force cpuid_cores_per_package 12.0改了,dk.e1000=0也添加了,现在 AppleMCEReporterDisabler.kext这个能加载,但是最后还是无法启动,加载完第一屏代码后就直接重启了 QQ截图20220406110619

aluveitie commented 2 years ago

你是否启用了 Above4GDecoding,是否启用了 ResizableBAR?

yeapllg commented 2 years ago

您好,我根据您上面的bios设置,Above 4G 启动,RezisableBAR 关闭! QQ图片20220406114917 QQ图片20220406114927

aluveitie commented 2 years ago

将 debug=0x100 keepsyms=1 添加到 boot-args 以查看它停止的位置 你也可以尝试在 BIOS 中禁用 NIC

yeapllg commented 2 years ago

添加debug=0x100 keepsyms=1这个后,还是和视频中一样,跑完第一屏就重启了

aluveitie commented 2 years ago

安装 12.3.1 时,你可以删除它:

Screenshot 2022-04-06 at 06 24 00
yeapllg commented 2 years ago


aluveitie commented 2 years ago
