alvan / vim-closetag

Auto close (X)HTML tags
751 stars 49 forks source link

incorrectly runs on generics in tsx #64

Open felschr opened 3 years ago

felschr commented 3 years ago

I've set up vim-closetag for use with tsx regions but it still adds closing tags for generics, which is quite annoying. Do I need to create the tsxRegion manually or where is it supposed to come from?

My config:

let g:closetag_filenames = "*.html,*.jsx,*.tsx,*.vue,*.xhml,*.xml"
let g:closetag_regions = {
  \ 'typescript.tsx': 'jsxRegion,tsxRegion',
  \ 'javascript.jsx': 'jsxRegion',
  \ }

Otherwise, I'm really happy with this plugin, great time saver! 😃

alextrastero commented 2 years ago

I used this plugin instead

felschr commented 2 years ago

I've actually switched to that, too.