alvarcarto / url-to-pdf-api

Web page PDF/PNG rendering done right. Self-hosted service for rendering receipts, invoices, or any content.
MIT License
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Project not maintained anymore? #203

Open nils4cosee opened 8 months ago

nils4cosee commented 8 months ago

Hi, I just wanted to ask if this project is still maintained in any way. I saw that last year there was an attempt to upgrade dependencies, which was then reverted because of failing tests. All this gives me the impressions, that you (the authors) are not using it yourselves anymore and that there is no real energy behind it.

That said. In my project, it is used (not heavily, but anyway) and it works well, apart from the fact that our renovate bot would like to upgrade to Node.js to recent versions, which I agree should be done.

We are currently evaluating different ways to solve that dependency upgrade problem and one thing I would like to propose, is to invest some time in updating the dependencies and opening an PR to push the changes upstream. But we could also create a fork and maintain that.

Since this would also be work for you, I would like to ask if you actually want to get new PRs or if you would even be willing to let us maintain the repo directly.

Thank for your work in Open Source...