alvarobartt / investiny

🤏🏻 `investpy` but made tiny
MIT License
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Still get 403 with tvc6 API #56

Open 1bora opened 1 year ago

1bora commented 1 year ago

Hello, first thank you for the amazing project. When i tried examples of the documentation i still get 403 error :/, even with the new api.

I tried:

Captura de tela de 2022-10-18 14-04-09

and received:

Captura de tela de 2022-10-18 14-04-37

I am using Anaconda at this point, but driven by curiosity i tried open the api link on the browser and still get the 403 error, but after refresh all data are loaded correctly

EDIT: in the browser tvc4 had the same behavior. I think in some header or cookie problem, maybe ?

anarchy89 commented 1 year ago

I'm having this problem too it stopped working all of a sudden.

PogoRollo commented 1 year ago

Yeah, started today. It's a Cloudflare challenge. The actual response body is:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US">
    <title>Just a moment...</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge" />
    <meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1" />
    <link href="/cdn-cgi/styles/challenges.css" rel="stylesheet" />

<body class="no-js">
    <div class="main-wrapper" role="main">
    <div class="main-content">
        <h1 class="zone-name-title h1">
            <img class="heading-favicon" src="/favicon.ico"
                 onerror="this.onerror=null;this.parentNode.removeChild(this)" />
        <h2 class="h2" id="challenge-running">
            Checking if the site connection is secure
            <div id="challenge-error-title">
                <div class="h2">
                    <span class="icon-wrapper">
                        <div class="heading-icon warning-icon"></div>
                    <span id="challenge-error-text">
                        Enable JavaScript and cookies to continue
        <div id="trk_jschal_js" style="display:none;background-image:url('/cdn-cgi/images/trace/managed/nojs/transparent.gif?ray=75c30ff7bb5a6949')"></div>
        <div id="challenge-body-text" class="core-msg spacer">
   needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding.
        <form id="challenge-form" action="THE_ORIGINAL_REQUEST&amp;__cf_chl_f_tk=sSANp3JtMqsjoUh50CcPGPono94Pgq8_.7BGA8I3XKM-1666114860-0-gaNycGzNB2U" method="POST" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
            <input type="hidden" name="md" value="i2FRFTE2du3Qco3QFnvnVH6.clW3hLi7rIRscIks2TM-1666114860-0-AcxJCTgnfWs_Qs4t78bTJ7zR19Nw4lWfdvIJeud2RRvvpSdF4TH2PehqmKoIphrQQlXmFrE0VL9Z5Z7suFKpcqfGvv6ctZmz1GJduxQU0aS66SjKgp7hovDYOG_ztWqJFOfLZYtpWY99YJOfYIGMhaJJy-_BrPvA3XD5gDjIA_h2wLQmleMM4gGPM8sP4TfzcrFYd8M8bBA_nDo76-ERHWgWNjmZuvJ1L7KZfzwmGsIodKaIXGQJKk6C1-pm1ZI_zIshwem03pHufykl8ARM43Y072hn1lL0XoxoiYdSnQMrExkDoOnX6Wp-WkQKGIcCaDclEFAkk7kZMSy8L8UCgb_IjW9Th8BIVrtWUElYtH61b8tanqpUUHcTB4E0FjNpMPcxpzVuqfhGgQcBMo3cPBDe2cZn5c5bOrmxIiOQ41ffU0ifXkXi0lrp-VUqRW_Qgk__QbbOWa5I0KBQhyMhZabVU5770I1LYLtVQtETweVJSXGnA1MrC2hUskCBhOj1gwzgcIpynlJqPf_aSArRfGGLahw-abD-Cy2QnAl0xtN0-YkTIouYTjEu3Z9WYelGrORWAdfQdDQHFWO0ZYlBsIn_4CUTu6ppqeWBHHPvrVRBuR3I08JYma28PH9v-z-tDsVm6Z-3TyTnhIg2VVe6Q8sbwHblVZz9Bn1suzePR4e52llJ928hugM5EXaZMoUI00qogHbkhHe_vk0ZgB3gSExR7DmmIGQAYNUQxv7K4pROCYT4Uo1Tp1vjC-w3W4DgSoUczpbQMTpMiQQo2viy6OdyKKBlo4td68IhXgSekLGUcxk6caJz_Kq6VXzDjOHGa2nvVXCk7T6ljBlUp5fa8sjtNKCrlhZpOdt3PAdBwKsOCT7_4aWyXTVSMVLkde7AIg0aDSsoO7m49QBuWSZxjJRZviMFsmC6XARLWlWUdzy53z58MwY_23bGG1Da8K-5Hg" />
            <input type="hidden" name="r" value="bsg4kbcXCUmlUjRsYoAkZTuub56rjGcWQE8YX1hY.O4-1666114860-0-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"/>
            cvId: '2',
            cType: 'managed',
            cNounce: '82843',
            cRay: '75c30ff7bb5a6949',
            cHash: 'be597fde60719a5',
            cUPMDTk: "THE_ORIGINAL_REQUEST&__cf_chl_tk=sSANp3JtMqsjoUh50CcPGPono94Pgq8_.7BGA8I3XKM-1666114860-0-gaNycGzNB2U",
            cFPWv: 'b',
            cTTimeMs: '1000',
            cTplV: 4,
            cTplB: 'cf',
            cRq: {
                ru: 'aHR0cHM6Ly90dmM0LmludmVzdGluZy5jb20vMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAvMC8wLzAvMC9oaXN0b3J5P3N5bWJvbD1OQVNEQVErJTNBQUFDRyZyZXNvbHV0aW9uPUQmZnJvbT0xNjY1NzA1NjAwJnRvPTE2NjU5NjQ4MDA=',
                ra: 'TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKFdpbmRvd3MgTlQgMTAuMDsgV2luNjQ7IHg2NCkgQXBwbGVXZWJLaXQvNTM3LjM2IChLSFRNTCwgbGlrZSBHZWNrbykgQ2hyb21lLzEwNi4wLjAuMCBTYWZhcmkvNTM3LjM2IEVkZy8xMDYuMC4xMzcwLjM0',
                rm: 'R0VU',
                d: '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',
                t: 'MTY2NjExNDg2MC43ODEwMDA=',
                m: 'aE7puev+CE8d/wG+uUnXqlSR38vGD/7nUVnRmrSO93M=',
                i1: '89LHcnKR77lGOKK2z/HK1w==',
                i2: 'pHrhEoXPZxQUcKsdQNMNiA==',
                zh: 'JJQg2KI/+bPgJbLHlLjmrs/mnno8aAGH5k3tm8QDk4c=',
                uh: 'ndhEe3dibHzXHi71SzbRYjwpKAQEbkeBd4r+hDwx6tA=',
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        var trkjs = document.createElement('img');
        trkjs.setAttribute('src', '/cdn-cgi/images/trace/managed/js/transparent.gif?ray=75c30ff7bb5a6949');
        trkjs.setAttribute('style', 'display: none');
        var cpo = document.createElement('script');
        cpo.src = '/cdn-cgi/challenge-platform/h/b/orchestrate/managed/v1?ray=75c30ff7bb5a6949';
        window._cf_chl_opt.cOgUHash = location.hash === '' && location.href.indexOf('#') !== -1 ? '#' : location.hash;
        window._cf_chl_opt.cOgUQuery = === '' && location.href.slice(0, -window._cf_chl_opt.cOgUHash.length).indexOf('?') !== -1 ? '?' :;
        if (window.history && window.history.replaceState) {
            var ogU = location.pathname + window._cf_chl_opt.cOgUQuery + window._cf_chl_opt.cOgUHash;
            history.replaceState(null, null, "THE_ORIGINAL_REQUEST&__cf_chl_rt_tk=sSANp3JtMqsjoUh50CcPGPono94Pgq8_.7BGA8I3XKM-1666114860-0-gaNycGzNB2U" + window._cf_chl_opt.cOgUHash);
            cpo.onload = function() {
                history.replaceState(null, null, ogU);

    <div class="footer" role="contentinfo">
        <div class="footer-inner">
            <div class="clearfix diagnostic-wrapper">
                <div class="ray-id">Ray ID: <code>75c30ff7bb5a6949</code></div>
            <div class="text-center">Performance &amp; security by <a rel="noopener noreferrer" href="" target="_blank">Cloudflare</a></div>

Note: I replaced the original request with THE_ORIGINAL_REQUEST.
It's simply something like: /XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/X/X/X/X/history?XXX

Cloudflare challenges are JavaScript challenges. If this continues, investiny would need to solve it. Either manually by using a JS engine, or by using a headless browser (such as Puppeteer) or even solutions like (which also seems to be outdated).

Edit: Scratch that. Maybe it actually is a header issue that Cloudflare doesn't like.
Because it is working in the browser in incognito mode (without prompting a Cloudflare challenge).

joao-pm-santos96 commented 1 year ago

Maybe this?:

alvarobartt commented 1 year ago

Soooo the day came 😞 protected all their APIs with Cloudflare... I've tried to contact them (resent them the email I sent them a couple of weeks ago) but no news from their side so still waiting!

FYI I've tried all the available APIs,, and, and none of those are working, so unless we get a response from we're either getting to the end of investpy (and investiny now) or we'll need to test JS-based solutions which imply making the package way heavier, and I'm not fully aware on how that works TBH!

Guvalle commented 1 year ago

Is there any way at all that we can help? Maybe we can try sending them emails too or something like that?

hamzaahmedzia1 commented 1 year ago

Maybe cloudscraper can help.

Also someone succeeded

Here is a minimal tutorial

alvarobartt commented 1 year ago

Is there any way at all that we can help? Maybe we can try sending them emails too or something like that?

I've been just contacted by them this morning, they've redirected me to the proper team, but told me in advance that removing Cloudflare from their side is not an option as that has been done for security reasons, so I'll keep you all posted! :hugs:

alvarobartt commented 1 year ago

Maybe cloudscraper can help.

Also someone succeeded

Here is a minimal tutorial

I'll try those later today, thanks! Anyway I think that just works with Cloudflare v1, and is using Cloudflare v2, so it probably won't work... but I'll test it anyway :smile:

alvarobartt commented 1 year ago

Soooo I've re-run the tests and it seems to be working?

@anarchy89 @hamzaahmedzia1 @joao-pm-santos96 @Guvalle @PogoRollo can anyone confirm? Thanks 🤗

GSLabIt commented 1 year ago

Soooo I've re-run the tests and it seems to be working?

@anarchy89 @hamzaahmedzia1 @joao-pm-santos96 @Guvalle @PogoRollo can anyone confirm? Thanks 🤗

no changes needed?

PogoRollo commented 1 year ago

Is there any way at all that we can help? Maybe we can try sending them emails too or something like that?

I've been just contacted by them this morning, they've redirected me to the proper team, but told me in advance that removing Cloudflare from their side is not an option as that has been done for security reasons, so I'll keep you all posted! 🤗

It can be tuned down without completely disabling it (lower Security Level in Cloudflare will allow higher Threat Scores to have no challenges).
They were behind Cloudflare for a quite a while now (since April 2021 for the main site and from what I could find about the API - at least since April of this year).
Something has changed yesterday. It's safe to assume the Security Level in their Cloudflare has increased, either manually or automatically.

Soooo I've re-run the tests and it seems to be working?

@anarchy89 @hamzaahmedzia1 @joao-pm-santos96 @Guvalle @PogoRollo can anyone confirm? Thanks 🤗

Doesn't seem to be working for me. Still getting Cloudflare challenges.

alvarobartt commented 1 year ago

Soooo I've re-run the tests and it seems to be working? @anarchy89 @hamzaahmedzia1 @joao-pm-santos96 @Guvalle @PogoRollo can anyone confirm? Thanks 🤗

no changes needed?

No @GSLabIt, just use investiny v0.7.2 and it should work fine, it's working on my end... Maybe is just blocking you every N requests a day @PogoRollo? Not sure, I checked around 1 hour ago and it was working fine.

alvarobartt commented 1 year ago

I've checked again now, and it's not working again... Sorry for the confusion, it worked for me for around 50 requests more or less!

alvarobartt commented 1 year ago

I'll test again tomorrow, but it seems that is blacklisting some IPs temporarily more often than before, which means that you can send some requests but then you're blocked (Cloudflare challenges your IP address...)

luuducthi commented 1 year ago

Same error for me: "ConnectionError: Request to API failed with error code: 403."

hamzaahmedzia1 commented 1 year ago

I'll test again tomorrow, but it seems that is blacklisting some IPs temporarily more often than before, which means that you can send some requests but then you're blocked (Cloudflare challenges your IP address...)

Then cloudscraper is probably the way forward. I think they support v2 for cloudflare.

Also there are other options available; not verified though

anarchy89 commented 1 year ago

Still doesn't work for me, I think we should figure out how to bypass the cloud flare thing because they will just keep turning on the web scraping protection feature from cloud flare. I saw there was a library and I tried it it doesn't seem to work.

alvarobartt commented 1 year ago

I'll test again tomorrow, but it seems that is blacklisting some IPs temporarily more often than before, which means that you can send some requests but then you're blocked (Cloudflare challenges your IP address...)

Then cloudscraper is probably the way forward. I think they support v2 for cloudflare.

Also there are other options available; not verified though

Hi @hajimebusuzima96 I tested cloudscraper in the past when this issue first happened and it was not supporting Cloudflare V2, it was just working for some V1 challenges... So sadly that's not an option 😞

alvarobartt commented 1 year ago

Still doesn't work for me, I think we should figure out how to bypass the cloud flare thing because they will just keep turning on the web scraping protection feature from cloud flare. I saw there was a library and I tried it it doesn't seem to work.

Instead of looking for ways to bypass their security measurements, I'd wait for them to come back to me with an answer on the collaboration proposal as that way we shouldn't be skipping their security and potentially breaking the terms of use of

But as I said before, whenever this issue first happened I tested it for the sake of exploring the issue further as I didn't know it was Cloudflare at the beginning, and no luck with any of those libraries.

I didn't try puppeteer yet, because it has way too many dependencies and I want to make this package light and fast, and IMO that's not a clean way to develop investiny and/or investpy.

anarchy89 commented 1 year ago

Still doesn't work for me, I think we should figure out how to bypass the cloud flare thing because they will just keep turning on the web scraping protection feature from cloud flare. I saw there was a library and I tried it it doesn't seem to work.

Instead of looking for ways to bypass their security measurements, I'd wait for them to come back to me with an answer on the collaboration proposal as that way we shouldn't be skipping their security and potentially breaking the terms of use of

But as I said before, whenever this issue first happened I tested it for the sake of exploring the issue further as I didn't know it was Cloudflare at the beginning, and no luck with any of those libraries.

I didn't try puppeteer yet, because it has way too many dependencies and I want to make this package light and fast, and IMO that's not a clean way to develop investiny and/or investpy.

I mean that would be great, I don't even mind using their api or a paid api from their side but they don't have that, they offer a simple pro service with no data download possible.

alvarobartt commented 1 year ago

Still doesn't work for me, I think we should figure out how to bypass the cloud flare thing because they will just keep turning on the web scraping protection feature from cloud flare. I saw there was a library and I tried it it doesn't seem to work.

Instead of looking for ways to bypass their security measurements, I'd wait for them to come back to me with an answer on the collaboration proposal as that way we shouldn't be skipping their security and potentially breaking the terms of use of But as I said before, whenever this issue first happened I tested it for the sake of exploring the issue further as I didn't know it was Cloudflare at the beginning, and no luck with any of those libraries. I didn't try puppeteer yet, because it has way too many dependencies and I want to make this package light and fast, and IMO that's not a clean way to develop investiny and/or investpy.

I mean that would be great, I don't even mind using their api or a paid api from their side but they don't have that, they offer a simple pro service with no data download possible.

I know @anarchy89, but I prefer to wait until they answer me, so as to see whether we can make either investiny, investpy or both an official product with access to or to get to some sort of agreement so as to either increase those limits or something similar. Anyway, I'll keep you all posted as I've already been redirected to the proper team in charge of that, so let's hope the outcome of that is the best for the community 😄

RyuuOujiXS commented 1 year ago will most likely never loosen their policy on bots unless they're paid to do so. Bots use the resources of without viewing their ads, meaning effectively loses money to bots. A selenium or other browser-based solution might work by generating a different fingerprint for CloudFlare which may be whitelisted, but that would mean heavier, local recourse usage from the bot. Obviously, a lighter browser such as requests or httpx is preferred, but "you gotta do what you gotta do"

alvarobartt commented 1 year ago

So I've just tested investiny and it seems to be working fine again... I assume their Cloudflare has some limitations but it's not blacklisting every IP forever, just after a certain number of requests...


(investiny-py3.9) alvarobartt@Alvaros-MacBook-Air investiny % poetry run python
Python 3.9.6 (default, Aug  5 2022, 15:21:02) 
[Clang 14.0.0 (clang-1400.0.29.102)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from investiny import historical_data
>>> d = historical_data(investing_id=6408)
>>> d
{'date': ['09/26/2022', '09/27/2022', '09/28/2022', '09/29/2022', '09/30/2022', '10/03/2022', '10/04/2022', '10/05/2022', '10/06/2022', '10/07/2022', '10/10/2022', '10/11/2022', '10/12/2022', '10/13/2022', '10/14/2022', '10/17/2022', '10/18/2022', '10/19/2022', '10/20/2022', '10/21/2022'], 'open': [149.66000366211, 152.74000549316, 147.63999938965, 146.10000610352, 141.2799987793, 138.21000671387, 145.0299987793, 144.07499694824, 145.80999755859, 142.53999328613, 140.41999816895, 139.89999389648, 139.13000488281, 134.99000549316, 144.30999755859, 141.06500244141, 145.49000549316, 141.69000244141, 143.02000427246, 142.96000671387], 'high': [153.7700958252, 154.7200012207, 150.64140319824, 146.7200012207, 143.10000610352, 143.07000732422, 146.2200012207, 147.38000488281, 147.53999328613, 143.10000610352, 141.88999938965, 141.35000610352, 140.36000061035, 143.58999633789, 144.52000427246, 142.89999389648, 146.69999694824, 144.94920349121, 145.88999938965, 147.83999633789], 'low': [149.63999938965, 149.94500732422, 144.83999633789, 140.67999267578, 138, 137.68499755859, 144.25999450684, 143.00999450684, 145.2200012207, 139.44500732422, 138.57290649414, 138.2200012207, 138.16000366211, 134.36999511719, 138.19000244141, 140.27000427246, 140.61000061035, 141.5, 142.64999389648, 142.67999267578], 'close': [150.77000427246, 151.75999450684, 149.83999633789, 142.47999572754, 138.19999694824, 142.44999694824, 146.10000610352, 146.39999389648, 145.42999267578, 140.08999633789, 140.41999816895, 138.97999572754, 138.33999633789, 142.99000549316, 138.38000488281, 142.41000366211, 143.75, 143.86000061035, 143.38999938965, 147.27000427246], 'volume': [93339000, 84443000, 146691008, 128138000, 124925000, 114312000, 87134000, 79148000, 68402000, 85926000, 74591000, 77034000, 69833000, 112876000, 88237000, 84684000, 98716000, 61758000, 64277000, 85641896]}
marcnshapiro commented 1 year ago

I'm still getting '403' errors right from the start.

InnovArul commented 1 year ago

The '403' error appears to me as well right from the start.

alvarobartt commented 1 year ago

Ok @marcnshapiro @InnovArul let me re-trigger the CI/CD pipeline to check whether it's working or not, as for me it's working fine locally!

typhoon71 commented 1 year ago

@alvarobartt Suggestion: if they could allow api requests from registered users - which would be easy for them to monitor. Like every user has is own api key, and so on (like other services).

They do allow some level of "free" use of their site - think of ppl behind a firewall that's blocking ads and stuff - but they don't want massive scraping, which cost resources (and could be a competitor).

thesoundhead commented 1 year ago

Hello @alvarobartt and thank you for working on both, investpy and investiny. I have used investpy in the past and was quite happy with it until this error occured. Now I thought that investiny would solve these issues. Can you please give us a timeline on if/when this will be fixed? Also: Should one use investpy or investiny in the future then? Thank you!

thrasher456 commented 1 year ago

@alvarobartt i was getting 403 too but changing user-agent header solved it . Try manually setting user-agent header to cloudflare and it will bypass the 403

alvarobartt commented 1 year ago

@alvarobartt i was getting 403 too but changing user-agent header solved it . Try manually setting user-agent header to cloudflare and it will bypass the 403

Hi @thrasher456, I'm happy to know more about this issue, would you mind sharing a code-snippet in Python so that I can try to replicate? Thanks in advance!

thrasher456 commented 1 year ago

@alvarobartt so the main change i did was to change user-agent to cloudflare in and send a cloudflare cookie as well like below

def request_to_investing(
    endpoint: Literal["history", "search", "quotes", "symbols"], params: Dict[str, Any]
) -> Union[Dict[str, Any], List[Dict[str, Any]]]:
        A dictionary with the response from API.
    url = f"{uuid4().hex}/0/0/0/0/{endpoint}"
    headers = {
        "User-Agent": (
    cookies = {"__cf_bm":"fowl8pLjW8XNVXckxyGjCnQIDGCU0YMIJjn3d8ha6zg-1694288042-0-Aam2fhQupUX6adOIA+RflfgodVXk7XWh8thb5Cn7LLhUJ0FD41MtC8FcKfodGsn27sz2nEDuY17rHzipF47Ii8Y="}
    r = httpx.get(url, params=params, headers=headers,verify=False,cookies=cookies)
    if r.status_code != 200:

one idea is to use httpx.cookie to save the "cf_bm" cookie and refresh it with every request , this will make sure we always pass cloudflare check . But the initial __cf_bm cookie must be given normally atleast once by user , we can then store the refreshing cf_bm cookie from response .

Attaching & with txt extension tmp.txt utils.txt

typhoon71 commented 1 year ago

I guess we'll need to pass "startup" cookies and headers to investpy, then internally investpy will have to update them for every request?

zh1cheng commented 8 months ago

I guess they Cloudfare is checking the TLS fingerprint. 403 will come up if the TLS fingerprint is disabled in Cloudflare bot manager. None of the major web browser users the OpenSSL, which used by python.

If that is the case, do you think that we can bypass the cloudflare bot by developing a tool that is using boringssl (same as chrome)?