alvarobartt / investpy

Financial Data Extraction from with Python
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There are some shares that cannot be acquired. #310

Closed oda9 closed 3 years ago

oda9 commented 3 years ago

Hello there Stock prices of some Japanese stocks cannot be retrieved using "get_stock_historical_data" and "get_stock_recent_data".

Examples of codes that cannot be retrieved 2631 2982 4060 7356

How can I get the data?

alvarobartt commented 3 years ago

Hi @oda9, you can just do the following to retrieve all the SearchObj for the tickers you want to, using search engine:

import investpy

results = list()

tickers = ["2631", "2982", "4060", "7356"]
for ticker in tickers:
    search_results = investpy.search_quotes(text=ticker, products=["stocks"], countries=["japan"], n_results=1)
    print(search_results[0]) # DeprecationWarning: in investpy v1.0.4 if `n_results=1` just one result will be returned, not a list
  except Exception as e:

recent = results[0].retrieve_recent_data()
historical = results[0].retrieve_historical_data(from_date="01/01/2020", to_date="01/01/2021")
information = results[0].retrieve_information()

Then with each SearchObj result, you can retrieve the recent data, historical data, or the information. For more information please check [investpy.search_quotes wiki](

Let me know whether this worked for you or not! 🤗

alvarobartt commented 3 years ago

If the solution provided above worked for you, please feel free to close this issue! 🤗

oda9 commented 3 years ago

Thank you, @alvarobartt . There's just one problem.

2982,4060,7356 was able to retrieve the data.

However, 2631 was not able to retrieve the data.

2631is a Japanese ETF.

Are there different acquisition methods for ETFs?

alvarobartt commented 3 years ago

Sure! You can either remove the products=['stocks'] or update it with products=['stocks', 'etfs']. I shared that piece of code with you because referring to the original message I thought those were just stocks 👍🏻

P.S. Feel free to update any of the parameters, or don't use any in case you are using unique identifiers, let's say that those IDs are unique for Japan, you should be able to:

import investpy

search_results = investpy.search_quotes(text='whatever id', countries=['japan'], n_results=10)
oda9 commented 3 years ago

Thank you, @alvarobartt .

I think I can get the data from this.

Thank you so much.