alvarobartt / investpy

Financial Data Extraction from with Python
MIT License
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🎨 Clean and format Python code properly #464

Closed alvarobartt closed 2 years ago

alvarobartt commented 2 years ago

🎨 This PR basically addresses the problem with the Python code written for investpy, as no standards were being used (or at least not in a super-serious way!). So on, the .pre-commit-config.yaml and setup.cfg configuration files have been included so as to ensure that the package is compliant with flake8, black, and isort, following the best Python practices.

🔥 Additionally, this PR also addresses some problems with extra files, files that were not used, etc.

🎉 All of this has been done so as to reduce the complexity of the package, since we're moving towards a simpler, cleaner, and better version of investpy for the upcoming v2.0 release which will be huge!