alvarobartt / investpy

Financial Data Extraction from with Python
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investpy.get_stock_dividends could not convert string to float #510

Closed neplach closed 2 years ago

neplach commented 2 years ago


I get this error for some stocks:

In [2]: import investpy

In [3]: investpy.get_stock_dividends('USB', 'united states')
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-ba4c614a892b> in <module>
----> 1 investpy.get_stock_dividends('USB', 'united states')

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/investpy/ in get_stock_dividends(stock, country)
   1167                                         element_.getnext()
   1168                                         .text_content()
-> 1169                                         .replace(",", "")
   1170                                     )
   1171                                 if element_.get("data-value") in type_values.keys():

ValueError: could not convert string to float: 

In [4]: 

i found this error with: SO US8425871071 GIS US3703341046 MRK US58933Y1055 PFE US7170811035 MO US02209S1033 USB US9029733048 VZ US92343V1044 IP US4601461035 BEN US3546131018 CAH US14149Y1082 BMY US1101221083 HPE US42824C1099 MET US59156R1086 ALV@DE DE0008404005 FRE@DE DE0005785604 MUV2@DE DE0008430026