alvarobartt / investpy

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Scraperlink api webdevzilla #637

Closed jdb130496 closed 2 months ago

jdb130496 commented 2 months ago


I am opening this issue here as I saw your method in one of the responses to earlier issues.

I am trying to use your api. I am following your #1 method as stated here:

I have tried as under:

I get response in browser as:

"Failed to derive response"

Can you please guide me what wrong am I doing?

webdevzilla commented 2 months ago

Here you go:

jdb130496 commented 2 months ago

Yes, thank you @webdevzilla . But that is your #2 method as per the guidance I read on your above site. I wanted to use #1. One example you have mentioned (Example: in above format in the beginning but that is general. I wanted that method to be used for specific scrip and country.

Another issue is: symbol ZYDU (Zydus Life Sciences) returns that symbol is not found although I can see that data for the scrip when I access it through browser directly ( Whether that is your API issue or inherent issue of site?

jdb130496 commented 2 months ago

@webdevzilla I even tried this way:

It returned:


(blank data) in browser.

Can you please let me know where I am going wrong?

jdb130496 commented 2 months ago


Never mind. I just discovered another way - using investing id to scrape in combination with above method:

Thank you. Still acknowledge your efforts and contribution. Closing the issue for now.