alvarotrigo / fullPage.js

fullPage plugin by Alvaro Trigo. Create full screen pages fast and simple
GNU General Public License v3.0
35.27k stars 7.3k forks source link

scrollOverflow with inner accordion or an element when clicked, a new element will slide down. #3128

Closed lhorainemarinas closed 6 years ago

lhorainemarinas commented 6 years ago

First of great plugin you have here! I just have one concern with one of my project. Please do click the 3rd menu to view the products.

I did used the option scrollOverflow: true, then I also linked the scrolloverflow.min.js My problem is that the height of the products section does not update it's height when I open one of the main category of the products because will be a slideDown effect for the sub category per main category of the product.

For reference here is my fullpage initialization code: `fp.fullpage({ navigation: true, navigationPosition: 'right', autoScrolling: true, verticalCentered: false, paddingTop: headerHeight, scrollOverflow: true, onLeave: function(index, nextIndex, direction) { $("#website .section .top-line, #website .section .bot-line").remove(); prevIndex = index; var d = $('#website .section:eq('+(nextIndex-1)+')').attr('id'), o = d.indexOf('-') < 0 ? d.lenth : d.indexOf('-'), id = d.substring(0, o); $('.tabs li[data-menuanchor^="'+id+'"]').addClass('active').siblings().removeClass('active'); fp.addClass('is_animating'); $('.sub-products').hide(); }, afterLoad: function(anchorLink, index) { adaptSize(); //for displaying dots for each carousel if ($'[class=features]')) { $("#fp-nav ul li[id^='features']").css('display','block') } else if ($'[class=about-us]')){ $("#fp-nav ul li").attr('style',''); $("#fp-nav ul li[id^='about-us']").css('display','block') } else { $("#fp-nav ul li").addClass("animated fadeIn").attr('style',''); }

        // console.log(prevIndex);
        if (Math.abs(index - prevIndex) >= 2) {

        //add animation on text
        var _section = $("#website .section"),
            _active_section = $("#website .section").hasClass("active");

        _section.find("h2, h1, .sub-text").removeClass("animated fadeInLeft");
        _section.find(".right-svg img").removeClass("animated fadeInRight");

        if (_active_section) {
            $(this).find("h2, h1, .sub-text").addClass("animated fadeInLeft");
            $(this).find(".right-svg img").addClass("animated fadeInRight");

        // add lines for each carousel
        if ($("").hasClass("carousel")) {

        //draw svg lines
        $('#website .right-svg svg').css('visibility', 'hidden');
        var svg = $("#website .section:eq("+(index-1)+") .right-svg").find("svg"),
             lhoraine = svg.attr('id');
        if (lhoraine) {
            var speed = svg.find("path")[0].getTotalLength() * 0.2,
            animateNow = new Vivus(lhoraine, {
                type: 'oneByOne',
                duration: speed,
                onReady: function (vivusInstance) {
           = 'visible'

For the accordion style of the sub categories here is my code: `var subProd = $(".sub-products"), subProd_hide = subProd.css('display') == 'none', productCat = $('.product-list-wrap .product-wrap');

var temp="";
var flag=0;{
    var dataId = $(this).data('slider_id'),
        t = $('.sub-products.' +dataId),
        _this = $(this);

    if(temp != dataId && flag==1){
        $('.sub-products.' +temp).stop(true,true).slideUp(function(){

    temp = dataId;

alvarotrigo commented 6 years ago

First of great plugin you have here! I

Thanks! Glad it helps!

My problem is that the height of the products section does not update it's height when I open one of the main category of the products

You'll have to make use of the reBuild function. Just call it when the slider finishes opening.
