alvarotrigo / fullPage.js

fullPage plugin by Alvaro Trigo. Create full screen pages fast and simple
GNU General Public License v3.0
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DragAndMove: UI stops when sliding horizontally if the mouse does a tiny drag up/down #4581

Closed BartoszHor closed 8 months ago

BartoszHor commented 8 months ago


I have drag and move extension in my project. Everything goes fine besides just one weird behaviour which can be found also in Your demo

Link to isolated reproduction with no external CSS / JS

Steps to reproduce it

To reproduce please swipe slides left or right and when slides are transitioning try to quickly swipe up. UI will stop somewhere between currently swiped slides. Is it possible to get rid of that behaviour? I went through docs, tried different things and can not fix it anyhow.

alvarotrigo commented 8 months ago

Can you specify how are you reproducing it? Are you using a phone? A touch device? Mouse Wheel? Dragging with the mouse?

What web browser are you using and OS?

BartoszHor commented 8 months ago

Sure, I am using Mac OS. Chrome browser. Currently I am reproducing it with mouse but it is reproducable also with touch events on tablet/phone.

Have You tried to reproduce it under the link I provided? It seems ease to reproduce there.

alvarotrigo commented 8 months ago

Have You tried to reproduce it under the link I provided? It seems ease to reproduce there.

I did. But all I can see is that the horizontal slides fit in place before fullPage.js scrolls up / down.

They don't seem to get stuck in between. If that's what your issue is.

Here's a video

BartoszHor commented 8 months ago

Please see attached video. I have just one section(row) so it is easrier to reproduce in my app but the same happens here if You do not swipe up "fully"

alvarotrigo commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the video! I was able to reproduce it now.

The trick is moving the mouse up/down very little so it won't end up scrolling up/down.

I'll mark it as a bug! Thanks for reporting it! 👍

BartoszHor commented 8 months ago

It does not happen if You slightly drag it down - then it just "jumps" immediately on its place.

Well, any chances for quick fix here? How long it could take to get resolved?

I tried different ways to overcome this issue. Our tester came across this problem at the final phase of commercial project, so it is kind of urgent for me and could not find solution myself.

alvarotrigo commented 8 months ago

@BartoszHor fixed! 👍

Now the horizontal slides will not get stuck and will instead auto-adjust themselves.

You can download the latest version of Drag And Move (version 0.1.3) on your Gumroad Library or from the link that was sent to you to download the extension on the purchase confirmation email.

If you have problems getting the file, you can also use the contact form, and we'll provide it to you by email.

BartoszHor commented 8 months ago

Hi, thanks for quick reaction and fix 👍 . However we can not get new file following Gumroad Library link. I just dropped You a msg via contact form.

Thanks in advance for answering.