I have a problem with fullpage js on mobile
When I open the page its good but when I go te the next section and goes back to the previous section som of the content on top of the section is not showing, its just like im using negativ margin top at 10 or 15px
This problem is showing on chrome and samsung browser and ist showing on every section if I scroll down and when I go up to the previous section the bug is showing
https://gsap-test-next.vercel.app/ this is the example you need to try on mobile because in pc is working even if Im using responsive mobile view but its not working on a physical device
Can you please provide an isolated reproduction in jsfiddle or codepen, with no CSS or JS files external to fullPage.js and the minimum amount of HTML code? Use empty sections unless strictly necessary for the reproduction.
Hi, I have a problem with fullpage js on mobile When I open the page its good but when I go te the next section and goes back to the previous section som of the content on top of the section is not showing, its just like im using negativ margin top at 10 or 15px This problem is showing on chrome and samsung browser and ist showing on every section if I scroll down and when I go up to the previous section the bug is showing
https://gsap-test-next.vercel.app/ this is the example you need to try on mobile because in pc is working even if Im using responsive mobile view but its not working on a physical device