alvatip / Nordzy-icon

Nordzy is a free and open source icon theme for Linux desktops using the Nord color palette from Arctic Ice Studio and based on WhiteSur and Numix Icon Theme.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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User submitted icons? #145

Closed Readf0x closed 11 months ago

Readf0x commented 1 year ago

Sorry for asking about this in a github issue, but I didn't see an any form of contact on your github account.

I went ahead and made a few icons because applications I use frequently weren't supported. I'll upload them here but I don't know if they're good enough to be included :P

youtube-music-desktop youtube prism-launcher

Readf0x commented 1 year ago

forgot to mention, the applications here are ytmdesktop (app.ytmdesktop.ytmdesktop) a generic youtube icon for pwas, and prism launcher (org.prismlauncher.PrismLauncher)

Readf0x commented 12 months ago

I have now also made icons for the pop shop and notable! notable pop-shop took me forever to find the pop shop's icon name, but it's apparently based on the app store from elementary.

alvatip commented 12 months ago

Hey @Readf0x, Sure, I will take a look and include them in the pack :wink: Thanks for contributing !!

alvatip commented 12 months ago

Just a few questions :stuck_out_tongue:

edit: to find most of the icon names easily, I run these two commands in my terminal cd /usr/share/applications/ grep -e "^Icon=.*nameoftheapp.* * where nameofthe app is the name (or part of the name) of the application. e.g. for Firefox, I would try 'firefox' or 'irefox' (in case the first letter is uppercase) image

Readf0x commented 12 months ago

OMG thank you, I didn't know grep could be used to search inside files! The first icon is ytmdesktop, a standalone desktop app for YT Music. The name of the flatpak is app.ytmdesktop.ytmdesktop I'll be back at my pc in a few minutes, so I'll figure out what pop shop and notable are called then.

Notable's icon is simply just notable and the POP!_Shop is io.elementary.appcenter.

I would like to know how I should submit icons in the future though?

alvatip commented 11 months ago

Thanks, I added them to the theme and will commit it shortly :wink:

To submit icon, the easiest way is to create a pull request (see this page for more details on how to submit a pull request)

For the creation of icons, there are some blank templates in tools/templates and color palettes in tools/palettesthat can help you.

Once your icon is created, you name it and place it in src/apps/scalable.

If the app as several possible names (ex: for Firefox, the app will use firefox (if installed through repo) or org.mozilla.firefox if installed through flatpak), you will need to create symbolic links in links/apps/scalable pointing to the icon in src/apps/scalable. So for Firefox which has at least 2 names, I will have an SVG icon named 'firefox.svg' in src/apps/scalable then I will create a symbolic link in links/apps/scalable named org.mozilla.firefox.svg

To create the symbolic link, I use the following command: cd src/apps/scalable (just 'cd' into the directory src/apps/scalable) ln -s firefox.svg ../../../links/apps/scalable/org.mozilla.firefox.svg (create the symlink with other name used by the app)

I hope all is clear, if not don't hesitate to ask further question, or create a first pull request and if there are mistakes we can correct them :wink:

Readf0x commented 11 months ago

Thanks! I didn't know about the palettes or templates, so that'll be a huge help in the future! I do know how to make symlinks, and btw if you use nautilus as your file manager, it has a shortcut to make symlinks built in. It's in the context menu. The shortcut is Shift + Ctrl + M by default.

Readf0x commented 11 months ago

I'll be closing the issue now, since everything seems to have been resolved. Thanks for your time!