alvinwan / mirrorvr

live, desktop mirror for web-based virtual reality app running on mobile
Apache License 2.0
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not work in aframe 0.9.2 #1

Open capivarah4cker opened 5 years ago

capivarah4cker commented 5 years ago

First of all, thank you for the project, it's incredible! I was testing with aframe 0.9.2 and I get this type of error, but with 0.7.0 it is normal. testeAframe

iburguera commented 5 years ago

Any update for 0.9.2 version?

alvinwan commented 4 years ago

Thanks @NFavareto for reporting and @iburguera for following up! Does wrapping the camera with a rig help? Like this:

<a-entity onload-init-mirrorvr>
    <a-entity onload-init-mirrorvr camera-listener... >

I noticed the flickering as well, and the rig appears to (mostly) fix this. I'm not sure what the root cause is. May have to do with the 0.9.0 modifications to setPoseTarget for the camera:

iburguera commented 4 years ago

Hi Alvin,

Thanks for your reply. I was able to make the connection but using A-Frame 0.9.2 version show the flickering as well. Here is the camera entity I use on my scenes:

<a-entity id="preCamara" movement-controls="fly: true; speed: 0.17" position="0 2 5" rotation="0 0 0"> <a-entity id="camera" camera="" look-controls position="0 0 0" scale="1 1 1">

<a-entity oculus-go-controls laser-controls="hand: left" line="color:

red; opacity: 0.75">

According to your previous code where should be implemented those entities in order to not get the flickering? I have tried many ways but none was working.

Best regards and have a nice day