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Stream VR games from your PC to your headset via Wi-Fi
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Error "/home/(USER)/.config/openvr/openvrpaths.vrpath does not exist" when trying to launch SteamVR through ALVR #2141

Closed Molwi closed 5 months ago

Molwi commented 5 months ago


When I try to launch SteamVR through the button in ALVR "Launch SteamVR", an error pops up "/home/(USER)/.config/openvr/openvrpaths.vrpath does not exist". But I have SteamVR installed through Steam, and it works perfectly (maybe, I can't test it because ALVR doesn't work). I'm looking for help here.

Edit: I resolved the issue, the reason it didn't work because I installed steam through flatpak that has different directories

General Troubleshooting



CPU: Intel i3-10100F (8) @ 4.300GHz

GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650

GPU Driver Version: 535.171.04

Audio: GeForce GTX 1650 | DisplayPort 1.2


ALVR Version: v20.8.0

ALVR Settings File: (I don't know how to get it)

SteamVR Version: 2.5.5

Install Type:

OS Name and Version: Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (Noble Numbat)


Here are the logs if you need it: 20:01:05.566553680 [INFO] Guessed window scale factor: 1 [EVENT] Session(SessionConfig { server_version: Version { major: 20, minor: 8, patch: 0 }, drivers_backup: Some(DriversBackup { alvr_path: "/home/marco/Загрузки/alvr_streamer_linux/lib64/alvr", other_paths: [] }), openvr_config: OpenvrConfig { eye_resolution_width: 800, eye_resolution_height: 900, target_eye_resolution_width: 800, target_eye_resolution_height: 900, tracking_ref_only: false, enable_vive_tracker_proxy: false, aggressive_keyframe_resend: false, adapter_index: 0, codec: 0, h264_profile: 0, refresh_rate: 60, use_10bit_encoder: false, use_full_range_encoding: false, encoding_gamma: 0.0, enable_hdr: false, force_hdr_srgb_correction: false, clamp_hdr_extended_range: false, enable_pre_analysis: false, enable_vbaq: false, enable_hmqb: false, use_preproc: false, preproc_sigma: 0, preproc_tor: 0, amd_encoder_quality_preset: 0, rate_control_mode: 0, filler_data: false, entropy_coding: 0, force_sw_encoding: false, sw_thread_count: 0, controller_is_tracker: false, controllers_enabled: false, body_tracking_vive_enabled: false, body_tracking_has_legs: false, enable_foveated_encoding: false, foveation_center_size_x: 0.0, foveation_center_size_y: 0.0, foveation_center_shift_x: 0.0, foveation_center_shift_y: 0.0, foveation_edge_ratio_x: 0.0, foveation_edge_ratio_y: 0.0, enable_color_correction: false, brightness: 0.0, contrast: 0.0, saturation: 0.0, gamma: 0.0, sharpening: 0.0, linux_async_compute: false, linux_async_reprojection: false, nvenc_quality_preset: 0, nvenc_tuning_preset: 0, nvenc_multi_pass: 0, nvenc_adaptive_quantization_mode: 0, nvenc_low_delay_key_frame_scale: 0, nvenc_refresh_rate: 0, enable_intra_refresh: false, intra_refresh_period: 0, intra_refresh_count: 0, max_num_ref_frames: 0, gop_length: 0, p_frame_strategy: 0, nvenc_rate_control_mode: 0, rc_buffer_size: 0, rc_initial_delay: 0, rc_max_bitrate: 0, rc_average_bitrate: 0, nvenc_enable_weighted_prediction: false, capture_frame_dir: "/tmp", amd_bitrate_corruption_fix: false, _controller_profile: 0 }, client_connections: {}, session_settings: SettingsDefault { video: VideoConfigDefault { adapter_index: 0, transcoding_view_resolution: FrameSizeDefault { Scale: 1.0, Absolute: FrameSizeAbsoluteDefault { width: 2144, height: OptionalDefault { set: false, content: 1072 } }, variant: Absolute }, emulated_headset_view_resolution: FrameSizeDefault { Scale: 1.0, Absolute: FrameSizeAbsoluteDefault { width: 2144, height: OptionalDefault { set: false, content: 1072 } }, variant: Absolute }, preferred_fps: 72.0, max_buffering_frames: 2.0, buffering_history_weight: 0.9, optimize_game_render_latency: true, bitrate: BitrateConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: false, mode: BitrateModeDefault { ConstantMbps: 30, Adaptive: BitrateModeAdaptiveDefault { gui_collapsed: true, saturation_multiplier: 0.95, max_bitrate_mbps: SwitchDefault { enabled: false, content: 100 }, min_bitrate_mbps: SwitchDefault { enabled: false, content: 5 }, max_network_latency_ms: SwitchDefault { enabled: false, content: 8 }, encoder_latency_limiter: SwitchDefault { enabled: true, content: EncoderLatencyLimiterDefault { max_saturation_multiplier: 0.9 } }, decoder_latency_limiter: SwitchDefault { enabled: true, content: DecoderLatencyLimiterDefault { gui_collapsed: true, max_decoder_latency_ms: 30, latency_overstep_frames: 90, latency_overstep_multiplier: 0.99 } } }, variant: ConstantMbps }, adapt_to_framerate: SwitchDefault { enabled: true, content: BitrateAdaptiveFramerateConfigDefault { framerate_reset_threshold_multiplier: 2.0 } }, history_size: 256, image_corruption_fix: false }, preferred_codec: CodecTypeDefault { variant: H264 }, encoder_config: EncoderConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: true, rate_control_mode: RateControlModeDefault { variant: Cbr }, filler_data: false, h264_profile: H264ProfileDefault { variant: High }, entropy_coding: EntropyCodingDefault { variant: Cavlc }, use_10bit: false, use_full_range: true, encoding_gamma: 1.0, enable_hdr: false, force_hdr_srgb_correction: false, clamp_hdr_extended_range: false, nvenc: NvencConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: true, quality_preset: EncoderQualityPresetNvidiaDefault { variant: P1 }, tuning_preset: NvencTuningPresetDefault { variant: LowLatency }, multi_pass: NvencMultiPassDefault { variant: QuarterResolution }, adaptive_quantization_mode: NvencAdaptiveQuantizationModeDefault { variant: Spatial }, low_delay_key_frame_scale: -1, refresh_rate: -1, enable_intra_refresh: false, intra_refresh_period: -1, intra_refresh_count: -1, max_num_ref_frames: -1, gop_length: -1, p_frame_strategy: -1, rate_control_mode: -1, rc_buffer_size: -1, rc_initial_delay: -1, rc_max_bitrate: -1, rc_average_bitrate: -1, enable_weighted_prediction: false }, amf: AmfConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: true, quality_preset: EncoderQualityPresetAmdDefault { variant: Speed }, enable_vbaq: false, enable_hmqb: false, use_preproc: false, preproc_sigma: 4, preproc_tor: 7, enable_pre_analysis: false }, software: SoftwareEncodingConfigDefault { force_software_encoding: false, thread_count: 0 } }, force_software_decoder: false, mediacodec_extra_options: DictionaryDefault { gui_collapsed: true, key: "", value: MediacodecDataTypeDefault { Float: 0.0, Int32: 0, Int64: 0, String: "", variant: Int32 }, content: [("operating-rate", MediacodecDataTypeDefault { Float: 0.0, Int32: 2147483647, Int64: 0, String: "", variant: Int32 }), ("priority", MediacodecDataTypeDefault { Float: 0.0, Int32: 0, Int64: 0, String: "", variant: Int32 }), ("vendor.qti-ext-dec-low-latency.enable", MediacodecDataTypeDefault { Float: 0.0, Int32: 1, Int64: 0, String: "", variant: Int32 })] }, foveated_encoding: SwitchDefault { enabled: true, content: FoveatedEncodingConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: true, force_enable: false, center_size_x: 0.45, center_size_y: 0.4, center_shift_x: 0.4, center_shift_y: 0.1, edge_ratio_x: 4.0, edge_ratio_y: 5.0 } }, clientside_foveation: SwitchDefault { enabled: true, content: ClientsideFoveationConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: true, mode: ClientsideFoveationModeDefault { Static: ClientsideFoveationModeStaticDefault { level: ClientsideFoveationLevelDefault { variant: High } }, Dynamic: ClientsideFoveationModeDynamicDefault { max_level: ClientsideFoveationLevelDefault { variant: High } }, variant: Dynamic }, vertical_offset_deg: 0.0 } }, color_correction: SwitchDefault { enabled: true, content: ColorCorrectionConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: false, brightness: 0.0, contrast: 0.0, saturation: 0.5, gamma: 1.0, sharpening: 0.5 } } }, audio: AudioConfigDefault { linux_backend: LinuxAudioBackendDefault { variant: Alsa }, game_audio: SwitchDefault { enabled: true, content: GameAudioConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: true, device: OptionalDefault { set: true, content: CustomAudioDeviceConfigDefault { NameSubstring: "pipewire", Index: 0, variant: NameSubstring } }, mute_when_streaming: true, buffering: AudioBufferingConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: true, average_buffering_ms: 50, batch_ms: 10 } } }, microphone: SwitchDefault { enabled: true, content: MicrophoneConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: true, devices: MicrophoneDevicesConfigDefault { Custom: MicrophoneDevicesConfigCustomDefault { sink: CustomAudioDeviceConfigDefault { NameSubstring: "pipewire", Index: 0, variant: NameSubstring }, source: CustomAudioDeviceConfigDefault { NameSubstring: "", Index: 0, variant: NameSubstring } }, variant: Custom }, buffering: AudioBufferingConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: true, average_buffering_ms: 50, batch_ms: 10 } } } }, headset: HeadsetConfigDefault { emulation_mode: HeadsetEmulationModeDefault { Custom: HeadsetEmulationModeCustomDefault { serial_number: "Unknown" }, variant: Quest2 }, extra_openvr_props: VectorDefault { gui_collapsed: true, element: OpenvrPropertyDefault { TrackingSystemName: "", ModelNumber: "", SerialNumber: "", RenderModelName: "", WillDriftInYaw: false, ManufacturerName: "", TrackingFirmwareVersion: "", HardwareRevisionString: "", AllWirelessDongleDescriptions: "", ConnectedWirelessDongle: "", DeviceIsWireless: false, DeviceIsCharging: false, DeviceBatteryPercentage: 0.0, FirmwareUpdateAvailable: false, FirmwareManualUpdate: false, FirmwareManualUpdateURL: "", HardwareRevisionUint64: 0, FirmwareVersion: 0, FPGAVersion: 0, VRCVersion: 0, RadioVersion: 0, DongleVersion: 0, BlockServerShutdown: false, CanUnifyCoordinateSystemWithHmd: false, ContainsProximitySensor: false, DeviceProvidesBatteryStatus: false, DeviceCanPowerOff: false, FirmwareProgrammingTarget: "", DeviceClass: 0, HasCamera: false, DriverVersion: "", FirmwareForceUpdateRequired: false, ViveSystemButtonFixRequired: false, ParentDriver: 0, ResourceRoot: "", RegisteredDeviceType: "", InputProfilePath: "", NeverTracked: false, NumCameras: 0, CameraFrameLayout: 0, CameraStreamFormat: 0, AdditionalDeviceSettingsPath: "", Identifiable: false, BootloaderVersion: 0, AdditionalSystemReportData: "", CompositeFirmwareVersion: "", FirmwareRemindUpdate: false, PeripheralApplicationVersion: 0, ManufacturerSerialNumber: "", ComputedSerialNumber: "", EstimatedDeviceFirstUseTime: 0, ReportsTimeSinceVSync: false, SecondsFromVsyncToPhotons: 0.0, DisplayFrequency: 0.0, UserIpdMeters: 0.0, CurrentUniverseId: 0, PreviousUniverseId: 0, DisplayFirmwareVersion: 0, IsOnDesktop: false, DisplayMCType: 0, DisplayMCOffset: 0.0, DisplayMCScale: 0.0, EdidVendorID: 0, DisplayMCImageLeft: "", DisplayMCImageRight: "", DisplayGCBlackClamp: 0.0, EdidProductID: 0, DisplayGCType: 0, DisplayGCOffset: 0.0, DisplayGCScale: 0.0, DisplayGCPrescale: 0.0, DisplayGCImage: "", LensCenterLeftU: 0.0, LensCenterLeftV: 0.0, LensCenterRightU: 0.0, LensCenterRightV: 0.0, UserHeadToEyeDepthMeters: 0.0, CameraFirmwareVersion: 0, CameraFirmwareDescription: "", DisplayFPGAVersion: 0, DisplayBootloaderVersion: 0, DisplayHardwareVersion: 0, AudioFirmwareVersion: 0, CameraCompatibilityMode: 0, ScreenshotHorizontalFieldOfViewDegrees: 0.0, ScreenshotVerticalFieldOfViewDegrees: 0.0, DisplaySuppressed: false, DisplayAllowNightMode: false, DisplayMCImageWidth: 0, DisplayMCImageHeight: 0, DisplayMCImageNumChannels: 0, SecondsFromPhotonsToVblank: 0.0, DriverDirectModeSendsVsyncEvents: false, DisplayDebugMode: false, GraphicsAdapterLuid: 0, DriverProvidedChaperonePath: "", ExpectedTrackingReferenceCount: 0, ExpectedControllerCount: 0, NamedIconPathControllerLeftDeviceOff: "", NamedIconPathControllerRightDeviceOff: "", NamedIconPathTrackingReferenceDeviceOff: "", DoNotApplyPrediction: false, DistortionMeshResolution: 0, DriverIsDrawingControllers: false, DriverRequestsApplicationPause: false, DriverRequestsReducedRendering: false, MinimumIpdStepMeters: 0.0, AudioBridgeFirmwareVersion: 0, ImageBridgeFirmwareVersion: 0, ImuFactoryGyroBias: ArrayDefault { gui_collapsed: false, content: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] }, ImuFactoryGyroScale: ArrayDefault { gui_collapsed: false, content: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] }, ImuFactoryAccelerometerBias: ArrayDefault { gui_collapsed: false, content: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] }, ImuFactoryAccelerometerScale: ArrayDefault { gui_collapsed: false, content: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] }, ConfigurationIncludesLighthouse20Features: false, AdditionalRadioFeatures: 0, ExpectedControllerType: "", HmdTrackingStyle: 0, DriverProvidedChaperoneVisibility: false, HmdColumnCorrectionSettingPrefix: "", CameraSupportsCompatibilityModes: false, SupportsRoomViewDepthProjection: false, DisplaySupportsMultipleFramerates: false, DisplayColorMultLeft: ArrayDefault { gui_collapsed: false, content: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] }, DisplayColorMultRight: ArrayDefault { gui_collapsed: false, content: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] }, DisplaySupportsRuntimeFramerateChange: false, DisplaySupportsAnalogGain: false, DisplayMinAnalogGain: 0.0, DisplayMaxAnalogGain: 0.0, DashboardScale: 0.0, IpdUIRangeMinMeters: 0.0, IpdUIRangeMaxMeters: 0.0, HmdSupportsHDCP14LegacyCompat: false, HmdSupportsMicMonitoring: false, DriverRequestedMuraCorrectionMode: 0, DriverRequestedMuraFeatherInnerLeft: 0, DriverRequestedMuraFeatherInnerRight: 0, DriverRequestedMuraFeatherInnerTop: 0, DriverRequestedMuraFeatherInnerBottom: 0, DriverRequestedMuraFeatherOuterLeft: 0, DriverRequestedMuraFeatherOuterRight: 0, DriverRequestedMuraFeatherOuterTop: 0, DriverRequestedMuraFeatherOuterBottom: 0, AudioDefaultPlaybackDeviceId: "", AudioDefaultRecordingDeviceId: "", AudioDefaultPlaybackDeviceVolume: 0.0, AudioSupportsDualSpeakerAndJackOutput: false, AttachedDeviceId: "", SupportedButtons: 0, Axis0Type: 0, Axis1Type: 0, Axis2Type: 0, Axis3Type: 0, Axis4Type: 0, ControllerRoleHint: 0, FieldOfViewLeftDegrees: 0.0, FieldOfViewRightDegrees: 0.0, FieldOfViewTopDegrees: 0.0, FieldOfViewBottomDegrees: 0.0, TrackingRangeMinimumMeters: 0.0, TrackingRangeMaximumMeters: 0.0, ModeLabel: "", CanWirelessIdentify: false, Nonce: 0, IconPathName: "", NamedIconPathDeviceOff: "", NamedIconPathDeviceSearching: "", NamedIconPathDeviceSearchingAlert: "", NamedIconPathDeviceReady: "", NamedIconPathDeviceReadyAlert: "", NamedIconPathDeviceNotReady: "", NamedIconPathDeviceStandby: "", NamedIconPathDeviceAlertLow: "", NamedIconPathDeviceStandbyAlert: "", OverrideContainer: 0, UserConfigPath: "", InstallPath: "", HasDisplayComponent: false, HasControllerComponent: false, HasCameraComponent: false, HasDriverDirectModeComponent: false, HasVirtualDisplayComponent: false, HasSpatialAnchorsSupport: false, ControllerType: "", ControllerHandSelectionPriority: 0, variant: TrackingSystemName }, content: [] }, tracking_ref_only: false, enable_vive_tracker_proxy: false, face_tracking: SwitchDefault { enabled: false, content: FaceTrackingConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: true, sources: FaceTrackingSourcesConfigDefault { combined_eye_gaze: true, eye_tracking_fb: true, face_tracking_fb: true, eye_expressions_htc: true, lip_expressions_htc: true }, sink: FaceTrackingSinkConfigDefault { VrchatEyeOsc: FaceTrackingSinkConfigVrchatEyeOscDefault { port: 9000 }, variant: VrchatEyeOsc } } }, body_tracking: SwitchDefault { enabled: false, content: BodyTrackingConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: true, sources: BodyTrackingSourcesConfigDefault { body_tracking_full_body_meta: SwitchDefault { enabled: true, content: BodyTrackingFullBodyMETAConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: true, enable_full_body: true } } }, sink: BodyTrackingSinkConfigDefault { VrchatBodyOsc: BodyTrackingSinkConfigVrchatBodyOscDefault { port: 9000 }, variant: FakeViveTracker }, tracked: true } }, controllers: SwitchDefault { enabled: true, content: ControllersConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: false, tracked: true, enable_skeleton: true, emulation_mode: ControllersEmulationModeDefault { Custom: ControllersEmulationModeCustomDefault { serial_number: "ALVR Controller", button_set: VectorDefault { gui_collapsed: false, element: "/user/hand/left/input/a/click", content: [] } }, variant: Quest2Touch }, extra_openvr_props: VectorDefault { gui_collapsed: true, element: OpenvrPropertyDefault { TrackingSystemName: "", ModelNumber: "", SerialNumber: "", RenderModelName: "", WillDriftInYaw: false, ManufacturerName: "", TrackingFirmwareVersion: "", HardwareRevisionString: "", AllWirelessDongleDescriptions: "", ConnectedWirelessDongle: "", DeviceIsWireless: false, DeviceIsCharging: false, DeviceBatteryPercentage: 0.0, FirmwareUpdateAvailable: false, FirmwareManualUpdate: false, FirmwareManualUpdateURL: "", HardwareRevisionUint64: 0, FirmwareVersion: 0, FPGAVersion: 0, VRCVersion: 0, RadioVersion: 0, DongleVersion: 0, BlockServerShutdown: false, CanUnifyCoordinateSystemWithHmd: false, ContainsProximitySensor: false, DeviceProvidesBatteryStatus: false, DeviceCanPowerOff: false, FirmwareProgrammingTarget: "", DeviceClass: 0, HasCamera: false, DriverVersion: "", FirmwareForceUpdateRequired: false, ViveSystemButtonFixRequired: false, ParentDriver: 0, ResourceRoot: "", RegisteredDeviceType: "", InputProfilePath: "", NeverTracked: false, NumCameras: 0, CameraFrameLayout: 0, CameraStreamFormat: 0, AdditionalDeviceSettingsPath: "", Identifiable: false, BootloaderVersion: 0, AdditionalSystemReportData: "", CompositeFirmwareVersion: "", FirmwareRemindUpdate: false, PeripheralApplicationVersion: 0, ManufacturerSerialNumber: "", ComputedSerialNumber: "", EstimatedDeviceFirstUseTime: 0, ReportsTimeSinceVSync: false, SecondsFromVsyncToPhotons: 0.0, DisplayFrequency: 0.0, UserIpdMeters: 0.0, CurrentUniverseId: 0, PreviousUniverseId: 0, DisplayFirmwareVersion: 0, IsOnDesktop: false, DisplayMCType: 0, DisplayMCOffset: 0.0, DisplayMCScale: 0.0, EdidVendorID: 0, DisplayMCImageLeft: "", DisplayMCImageRight: "", DisplayGCBlackClamp: 0.0, EdidProductID: 0, DisplayGCType: 0, DisplayGCOffset: 0.0, DisplayGCScale: 0.0, DisplayGCPrescale: 0.0, DisplayGCImage: "", LensCenterLeftU: 0.0, LensCenterLeftV: 0.0, LensCenterRightU: 0.0, LensCenterRightV: 0.0, UserHeadToEyeDepthMeters: 0.0, CameraFirmwareVersion: 0, CameraFirmwareDescription: "", DisplayFPGAVersion: 0, DisplayBootloaderVersion: 0, DisplayHardwareVersion: 0, AudioFirmwareVersion: 0, CameraCompatibilityMode: 0, ScreenshotHorizontalFieldOfViewDegrees: 0.0, ScreenshotVerticalFieldOfViewDegrees: 0.0, DisplaySuppressed: false, DisplayAllowNightMode: false, DisplayMCImageWidth: 0, DisplayMCImageHeight: 0, DisplayMCImageNumChannels: 0, SecondsFromPhotonsToVblank: 0.0, DriverDirectModeSendsVsyncEvents: false, DisplayDebugMode: false, GraphicsAdapterLuid: 0, DriverProvidedChaperonePath: "", ExpectedTrackingReferenceCount: 0, ExpectedControllerCount: 0, NamedIconPathControllerLeftDeviceOff: "", NamedIconPathControllerRightDeviceOff: "", NamedIconPathTrackingReferenceDeviceOff: "", DoNotApplyPrediction: false, DistortionMeshResolution: 0, DriverIsDrawingControllers: false, DriverRequestsApplicationPause: false, DriverRequestsReducedRendering: false, MinimumIpdStepMeters: 0.0, AudioBridgeFirmwareVersion: 0, ImageBridgeFirmwareVersion: 0, ImuFactoryGyroBias: ArrayDefault { gui_collapsed: false, content: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] }, ImuFactoryGyroScale: ArrayDefault { gui_collapsed: false, content: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] }, ImuFactoryAccelerometerBias: ArrayDefault { gui_collapsed: false, content: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] }, ImuFactoryAccelerometerScale: ArrayDefault { gui_collapsed: false, content: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] }, ConfigurationIncludesLighthouse20Features: false, AdditionalRadioFeatures: 0, ExpectedControllerType: "", HmdTrackingStyle: 0, DriverProvidedChaperoneVisibility: false, HmdColumnCorrectionSettingPrefix: "", CameraSupportsCompatibilityModes: false, SupportsRoomViewDepthProjection: false, DisplaySupportsMultipleFramerates: false, DisplayColorMultLeft: ArrayDefault { gui_collapsed: false, content: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] }, DisplayColorMultRight: ArrayDefault { gui_collapsed: false, content: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] }, DisplaySupportsRuntimeFramerateChange: false, DisplaySupportsAnalogGain: false, DisplayMinAnalogGain: 0.0, DisplayMaxAnalogGain: 0.0, DashboardScale: 0.0, IpdUIRangeMinMeters: 0.0, IpdUIRangeMaxMeters: 0.0, HmdSupportsHDCP14LegacyCompat: false, HmdSupportsMicMonitoring: false, DriverRequestedMuraCorrectionMode: 0, DriverRequestedMuraFeatherInnerLeft: 0, DriverRequestedMuraFeatherInnerRight: 0, DriverRequestedMuraFeatherInnerTop: 0, DriverRequestedMuraFeatherInnerBottom: 0, DriverRequestedMuraFeatherOuterLeft: 0, DriverRequestedMuraFeatherOuterRight: 0, DriverRequestedMuraFeatherOuterTop: 0, DriverRequestedMuraFeatherOuterBottom: 0, AudioDefaultPlaybackDeviceId: "", AudioDefaultRecordingDeviceId: "", AudioDefaultPlaybackDeviceVolume: 0.0, AudioSupportsDualSpeakerAndJackOutput: false, AttachedDeviceId: "", SupportedButtons: 0, Axis0Type: 0, Axis1Type: 0, Axis2Type: 0, Axis3Type: 0, Axis4Type: 0, ControllerRoleHint: 0, FieldOfViewLeftDegrees: 0.0, FieldOfViewRightDegrees: 0.0, FieldOfViewTopDegrees: 0.0, FieldOfViewBottomDegrees: 0.0, TrackingRangeMinimumMeters: 0.0, TrackingRangeMaximumMeters: 0.0, ModeLabel: "", CanWirelessIdentify: false, Nonce: 0, IconPathName: "", NamedIconPathDeviceOff: "", NamedIconPathDeviceSearching: "", NamedIconPathDeviceSearchingAlert: "", NamedIconPathDeviceReady: "", NamedIconPathDeviceReadyAlert: "", NamedIconPathDeviceNotReady: "", NamedIconPathDeviceStandby: "", NamedIconPathDeviceAlertLow: "", NamedIconPathDeviceStandbyAlert: "", OverrideContainer: 0, UserConfigPath: "", InstallPath: "", HasDisplayComponent: false, HasControllerComponent: false, HasCameraComponent: false, HasDriverDirectModeComponent: false, HasVirtualDisplayComponent: false, HasSpatialAnchorsSupport: false, ControllerType: "", ControllerHandSelectionPriority: 0, variant: TrackingSystemName }, content: [] }, button_mappings: OptionalDefault { set: false, content: DictionaryDefault { gui_collapsed: false, key: "/user/hand/left/input/a/click", value: VectorDefault { gui_collapsed: false, element: ButtonBindingTargetDefault { destination: "/user/hand/left/input/a/click", mapping_type: ButtonMappingTypeDefault { HysteresisThreshold: HysteresisThresholdDefault { value: 0.5, deviation: 0.05 }, BinaryToScalar: BinaryToScalarStatesDefault { off: 0.0, on: 1.0 }, Remap: RangeDefault { min: 0.0, max: 1.0 }, variant: Passthrough }, binary_conditions: VectorDefault { gui_collapsed: true, element: "/user/hand/left/input/trigger/touch", content: [] } }, content: [] }, content: [] } }, button_mapping_config: AutomaticButtonMappingConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: true, click_threshold: HysteresisThresholdDefault { value: 0.5, deviation: 0.05 }, touch_threshold: HysteresisThresholdDefault { value: 0.1, deviation: 0.05 }, force_threshold: 0.8 }, gestures: SwitchDefault { enabled: true, content: HandGestureConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: true, only_touch: true, pinch_touch_distance: 0.0, pinch_trigger_distance: 0.25, curl_touch_distance: 2.0, curl_trigger_distance: 2.5, joystick_deadzone: 40.0, joystick_offset_horizontal: 0.0, joystick_offset_vertical: 0.0, joystick_range: 1.0, activation_delay: 50, deactivation_delay: 100, repeat_delay: 100 } }, steamvr_pipeline_frames: 3.0, linear_velocity_cutoff: 0.05, angular_velocity_cutoff: 10.0, left_controller_position_offset: ArrayDefault { gui_collapsed: true, content: [0.0, 0.0, -0.11] }, left_controller_rotation_offset: ArrayDefault { gui_collapsed: true, content: [-20.0, 0.0, 0.0] }, left_hand_tracking_position_offset: ArrayDefault { gui_collapsed: true, content: [0.04, -0.02, -0.13] }, left_hand_tracking_rotation_offset: ArrayDefault { gui_collapsed: true, content: [0.0, -45.0, -90.0] }, haptics: SwitchDefault { enabled: true, content: HapticsConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: true, intensity_multiplier: 1.0, amplitude_curve: 1.0, min_duration_s: 0.01 } } } }, position_recentering_mode: PositionRecenteringModeDefault { Local: PositionRecenteringModeLocalDefault { view_height: 1.5 }, variant: LocalFloor }, rotation_recentering_mode: RotationRecenteringModeDefault { variant: Yaw } }, connection: ConnectionConfigDefault { stream_protocol: SocketProtocolDefault { variant: Udp }, client_discovery: SwitchDefault { enabled: true, content: DiscoveryConfigDefault { auto_trust_clients: false } }, stream_port: 9944, web_server_port: 8082, osc_local_port: 9942, dscp: OptionalDefault { set: false, content: DscpTosDefault { ClassSelector: 7, AssuredForwarding: DscpTosAssuredForwardingDefault { class: 4, drop_probability: DropProbabilityDefault { variant: Low } }, variant: ExpeditedForwarding } }, server_send_buffer_bytes: SocketBufferSizeDefault { Custom: 100000, variant: Maximum }, server_recv_buffer_bytes: SocketBufferSizeDefault { Custom: 100000, variant: Maximum }, client_send_buffer_bytes: SocketBufferSizeDefault { Custom: 100000, variant: Maximum }, client_recv_buffer_bytes: SocketBufferSizeDefault { Custom: 100000, variant: Maximum }, max_queued_server_video_frames: 1024, avoid_video_glitching: false, aggressive_keyframe_resend: false, on_connect_script: "/home/marco/.config/alvr/", on_disconnect_script: "/home/marco/.config/alvr/", packet_size: 1400, statistics_history_size: 256 }, extra: ExtraConfigDefault { logging: LoggingConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: false, client_log_report_level: SwitchDefault { enabled: true, content: LogSeverityDefault { variant: Error } }, log_to_disk: false, log_tracking: false, log_button_presses: false, log_haptics: false, notification_level: LogSeverityDefault { variant: Warning }, show_raw_events: SwitchDefault { enabled: false, content: RawEventsConfigDefault { hide_spammy_events: false } }, prefer_backtrace: false, show_notification_tip: true }, steamvr_launcher: SteamvrLauncherDefault { gui_collapsed: false, driver_launch_action: DriverLaunchActionDefault { variant: UnregisterOtherDriversAtStartup }, open_close_steamvr_with_dashboard: false }, capture: CaptureConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: false, startup_video_recording: false, rolling_video_files: SwitchDefault { enabled: false, content: RollingVideoFilesConfigDefault { duration_s: 5 } }, capture_frame_dir: "" }, patches: PatchesDefault { gui_collapsed: false, linux_async_compute: false, linux_async_reprojection: false }, open_setup_wizard: false } } }) 20:01:08.672416783 [INFO] GPU supports H264 profile. 20:01:08.672457044 [INFO] GPU supports HEVC profile. 20:01:08.677113729 [ERROR] /home/(USER)/.config/openvr/openvrpaths.vrpath does not exist

zggzcgy commented 5 months ago

I'm guessing it might be caused by steamvr not being installed correctly, Initializing SteamVR does not give administrator privileges. reference linke

Molwi commented 5 months ago

I'm guessing it might be caused by steamvr not being installed correctly, Initializing SteamVR does not give administrator privileges. reference linke

But I don't understand how do I start SteamVR as a root

vitaly-zdanevich commented 1 month ago

But I don't understand how do I start SteamVR as a root

Maybe try with sudo

Vixea commented 1 month ago

Do not run GUI apps in sudo/su(super user)

vitaly-zdanevich commented 1 month ago


vitaly-zdanevich commented 1 month ago

I have the same error. Do I need to run ALVR through root?

vitaly-zdanevich commented 1 month ago

My logs:

vitaly@big-black-fluid /mnt/alvr_launcher_linux $ ./ALVR\ Launcher 
xkbcommon: ERROR: couldn't find a Compose file for locale "C.UTF8" (mapped to "C.UTF8")
vitaly@big-black-fluid /mnt/alvr_launcher_linux $ [04:42:27.941 WARN winit::platform_impl::platform::x11::xdisplay] error setting XSETTINGS; Xft options won't reload automatically
xkbcommon: ERROR: couldn't find a Compose file for locale "C.UTF8" (mapped to "C.UTF8")
[04:42:28.009 INFO winit::platform_impl::platform::x11::window] Guessed window scale factor: 1.4166666666666667
[04:42:34.793 WARN alvr_dashboard::steamvr_launcher::linux_steamvr] For functioning VR you need insert following into SteamVR and ALL (!) games commandline options:
[04:42:34.793 WARN alvr_dashboard::steamvr_launcher::linux_steamvr] DRI_PRIME=1 %command%
libva info: VA-API version 1.22.0
libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib64/va/drivers/
libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_22
libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
[04:42:34.797 INFO alvr_dashboard::steamvr_launcher::linux_steamvr] GPU Encoder vendor: Mesa Gallium driver 24.1.6 for AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT (radeonsi, navi21, LLVM 18.1.8, DRM 3.54, 6.6.38-gentoo+)
[04:42:34.797 ERROR alvr_dashboard::steamvr_launcher::linux_steamvr] Couldn't find H264 profile. You unlikely to have hardware encoding for it.
[04:42:34.797 ERROR alvr_dashboard::steamvr_launcher::linux_steamvr] Couldn't find HEVC profile. You unlikely to have hardware encoding for it.
[04:42:34.797 INFO alvr_dashboard::steamvr_launcher::linux_steamvr] AV1 profile does not contain encoding entrypoint. You unlikely to have hardware encoding for it.
libva info: VA-API version 1.22.0
libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib64/va/drivers/
libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_22
libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
[04:42:34.800 INFO alvr_dashboard::steamvr_launcher::linux_steamvr] GPU Encoder vendor: Mesa Gallium driver 24.1.6 for AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT (radeonsi, navi21, LLVM 18.1.8, DRM 3.54, 6.6.38-gentoo+)
[04:42:34.800 ERROR alvr_dashboard::steamvr_launcher::linux_steamvr] Couldn't find H264 profile. You unlikely to have hardware encoding for it.
[04:42:34.800 ERROR alvr_dashboard::steamvr_launcher::linux_steamvr] Couldn't find HEVC profile. You unlikely to have hardware encoding for it.
[04:42:34.800 INFO alvr_dashboard::steamvr_launcher::linux_steamvr] AV1 profile does not contain encoding entrypoint. You unlikely to have hardware encoding for it.
[04:42:34.812 ERROR alvr_common::logging] /home/vitaly/.config/openvr/openvrpaths.vrpath does not exist

Gentoo Linux.

Vixea commented 1 month ago

Running through a container may require special support, as that's what its looking like your trying to do

vitaly-zdanevich commented 1 month ago

What container? I downloaded your archive.

Vixea commented 1 month ago

The issue that referred to this one aka Conty. Could you run vainfo?

vitaly-zdanevich commented 1 month ago

I tried not with Conty - but on my Gentoo.

$ vainfo
Trying display: x11
libva info: VA-API version 1.22.0
libva info: Trying to open /usr/lib64/va/drivers/
libva info: Found init function __vaDriverInit_1_22
libva info: va_openDriver() returns 0
vainfo: VA-API version: 1.22 (libva 2.22.0)
vainfo: Driver version: Mesa Gallium driver 24.1.6 for AMD Radeon RX 6800 XT (radeonsi, navi21, LLVM 18.1.8, DRM 3.54, 6.6.47-gentoo+)
vainfo: Supported profile and entrypoints
      VAProfileMPEG2Simple            : VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileMPEG2Main              : VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileJPEGBaseline           : VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileVP9Profile0            : VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileVP9Profile2            : VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileAV1Profile0            : VAEntrypointVLD
      VAProfileNone                   : VAEntrypointVideoProc
Vixea commented 1 month ago

Looks like you haven't compiled the proper codecs and so alvr won't work. Please compile with h264 and h256 support.

vitaly-zdanevich commented 1 month ago

But this is your compiled version.

h264 is supported by my system.

Vixea commented 1 month ago

Your message clearly shows you using the packaged version of vainfo also we don't compile vainfo you clearly didn't build mesa with support as your supposed to do with gentoo

vitaly-zdanevich commented 1 month ago

Your message clearly shows you using the packaged version of vainfo

Is it possible to use... unpackaged version somehow?

vitaly-zdanevich commented 1 month ago

you clearly didn't build mesa with support as your supposed to do with gentoo

With support of that?

$ equery u mesa
[ Legend : U - final flag setting for installation]
[        : I - package is installed with flag     ]
[ Colors : set, unset                             ]
 * Found these USE flags for media-libs/mesa-24.1.7:
 U I
 + + X                    : Add support for X11
 + + cpu_flags_x86_sse2   : Use the SSE2 instruction set
 - - d3d9                 : Enable Direct 3D9 API through Nine state tracker. Can be used together with patched wine.
 - - debug                : Enable extra debug codepaths, like asserts and extra output. If you want to get meaningful backtraces see
 + - llvm                 : Enable LLVM backend for Gallium3D.
 - - llvm_slot_15         : Use LLVM 15.
 - - llvm_slot_16         : Use LLVM 16.
 - - llvm_slot_17         : Use LLVM 17.
 + - llvm_slot_18         : Use LLVM 18.
 - - lm-sensors           : Enable Gallium HUD lm-sensors support.
 - - opencl               : Enable the Rusticl Gallium OpenCL state tracker.
 - - osmesa               : Build the Mesa library for off-screen rendering.
 - - proprietary-codecs   : Enable codecs for patent-encumbered audio and video formats.
 - - test                 : Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)
 - - unwind               : Add support for call stack unwinding and function name resolution
 + + vaapi                : Enable Video Acceleration API for hardware decoding
 - - valgrind             : Enable annotations for accuracy. May slow down runtime slightly. Safe to use even if not currently using dev-debug/valgrind
 - - vdpau                : Enable the VDPAU acceleration interface for the Gallium3D Video Layer.
 - - video_cards_d3d12    : VIDEO_CARDS seeting to build driver for Microsoft WSL video cards
 - - video_cards_intel    : VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for Intel video cards
 - - video_cards_lavapipe : VIDEO_CARDS setting to build Vulkan software rasterizer using LLVMpipe
 - - video_cards_nouveau  : VIDEO_CARDS setting to build reverse-engineered driver for nvidia cards
 - - video_cards_nvk      : VIDEO_CARDS setting to build nouveau vulkan driver for nvidia cards (Turing and newer)
 - - video_cards_r300     : VIDEO_CARDS setting to build only r300, r400 and r500 based chips code for radeon
 - - video_cards_r600     : VIDEO_CARDS setting to build only r600, r700, Evergreen and Northern Islands based chips code for radeon
 - - video_cards_radeon   : VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for ATI radeon video cards
 + + video_cards_radeonsi : VIDEO_CARDS setting to build only Southern Islands based chips code for radeon
 - - video_cards_virgl    : VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for virgil (virtual 3D GPU)
 - - video_cards_vmware   : VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for vmware video cards
 - - video_cards_zink     : VIDEO_CARDS setting to build Zink OpenGL-over-Vulkan Gallium driver
 + + vulkan               : Add support for 3D graphics and computing via the Vulkan cross-platform API
 - - vulkan-overlay       : Build vulkan-overlay-layer which displays Frames Per Second and other statistics
 + - wayland              : Enable support for dev-libs/wayland
 - - xa                   : Enable the XA (X Acceleration) API for Gallium3D.
 + - zstd                 : Enable support for ZSTD compression
vitaly-zdanevich commented 1 month ago

Please compile with h264 and h256 support

But in preferences I see that AV1 is possible? image

And error message is not about that image

Vixea commented 1 month ago

Need to enable proprietary-codecs, how did you install steam and SteamVR also that gpu doesn't support av1 encode

vitaly-zdanevich commented 1 month ago

how did you install steam and SteamVR also that gpu doesn't support av1 encode

I use Steam from Conty.

When I record my desktop by ffmpeg - I use av1 for encoding - it uses arounr 15% of CPU (I have AMD 7950x).

Vixea commented 1 month ago

Alvr can't detect stuff in a container lol its kinda the whole point of a container

vitaly-zdanevich commented 1 month ago

What alvr wants from the container?

Vixea commented 1 month ago

For you not to use it, or run in the container which isn't really supported you can try to but no support will be given

vitaly-zdanevich commented 4 weeks ago

When I ran alvr without the container - I receive error that config file not exist.

Vixea commented 4 weeks ago

You need to run steam outside of it

Vixea commented 4 weeks ago

Both Steam and alvr need to be either inside of it or outside of it