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Stream VR games from your PC to your headset via Wi-Fi
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"The streamer is not connected! Clients will not be discovered" alvr on linux, phonevr on android #2211

Closed rairay91 closed 2 months ago

rairay91 commented 3 months ago

ALVR is installed on linux, and trying to use it with phone vr . But phone(client) not detected. Even manually added, still say unknown IP. Screenshot_20240627_153413

The-personified-devil commented 3 months ago

It's exactly what it says? The alvr dashboard has no connection to SteamVR, so it can't connect to clients. Have you verified that you registered the alvr extension with SteamVR and that you started SteamVR through the dashboard?

Hi-Angel commented 3 months ago

It's exactly what it says? The alvr dashboard has no connection to SteamVR, so it can't connect to clients.

Not the OP but same situation


Have you verified that you registered the alvr extension with SteamVR

What extension…? I searched the installation guide for the word "extension" and there's none, so I'm not sure what you mean.

and that you started SteamVR through the dashboard?


Macjja commented 3 months ago

What extension…? I searched the installation guide for the word "extension" and there's none, so I'm not sure what you mean.

By extension, I believe they mean the ALVR drivers, which can be registered in the installation menu

Hi-Angel commented 3 months ago

What extension…? I searched the installation guide for the word "extension" and there's none, so I'm not sure what you mean.

By extension, I believe they mean the ALVR drivers, which can be registered in the installation menu

In that case it seems to be done… Is there anything on the Steam side that I need to check to make sure it's functioning correctly?


Macjja commented 3 months ago

In that case it seems to be done… Is there anything on the Steam side that I need to check to make sure it's functioning correctly?

When you try to start steam vr by hitting the Launch SteamVR button on the ALVR dashboard, what does your logs say?

Hi-Angel commented 3 months ago

FTR, since I presume we debug some miscommunication between steam and ALVR on the computer, I don't boot the headset at this point.

When you try to start steam vr by hitting the Launch SteamVR button on the ALVR dashboard, what does your logs say?

23:38:15.101488104 [INFO] Guessed window scale factor: 1
 [EVENT] Session(SessionConfig { server_version: Version { major: 20, minor: 8, patch: 1 }, drivers_backup: Some(DriversBackup { alvr_path: "/usr/lib/steamvr/alvr/", other_paths: [] }), openvr_config: OpenvrConfig { eye_resolution_width: 800, eye_resolution_height: 900, target_eye_resolution_width: 800, target_eye_resolution_height: 900, tracking_ref_only: false, enable_vive_tracker_proxy: false, aggressive_keyframe_resend: false, adapter_index: 0, codec: 0, h264_profile: 0, refresh_rate: 60, use_10bit_encoder: false, use_full_range_encoding: false, encoding_gamma: 0.0, enable_hdr: false, force_hdr_srgb_correction: false, clamp_hdr_extended_range: false, enable_pre_analysis: false, enable_vbaq: false, enable_hmqb: false, use_preproc: false, preproc_sigma: 0, preproc_tor: 0, amd_encoder_quality_preset: 0, rate_control_mode: 0, filler_data: false, entropy_coding: 0, force_sw_encoding: false, sw_thread_count: 0, controller_is_tracker: false, controllers_enabled: false, body_tracking_vive_enabled: false, body_tracking_has_legs: false, enable_foveated_encoding: false, foveation_center_size_x: 0.0, foveation_center_size_y: 0.0, foveation_center_shift_x: 0.0, foveation_center_shift_y: 0.0, foveation_edge_ratio_x: 0.0, foveation_edge_ratio_y: 0.0, enable_color_correction: false, brightness: 0.0, contrast: 0.0, saturation: 0.0, gamma: 0.0, sharpening: 0.0, linux_async_compute: false, linux_async_reprojection: false, nvenc_quality_preset: 0, nvenc_tuning_preset: 0, nvenc_multi_pass: 0, nvenc_adaptive_quantization_mode: 0, nvenc_low_delay_key_frame_scale: 0, nvenc_refresh_rate: 0, enable_intra_refresh: false, intra_refresh_period: 0, intra_refresh_count: 0, max_num_ref_frames: 0, gop_length: 0, p_frame_strategy: 0, nvenc_rate_control_mode: 0, rc_buffer_size: 0, rc_initial_delay: 0, rc_max_bitrate: 0, rc_average_bitrate: 0, nvenc_enable_weighted_prediction: false, capture_frame_dir: "/tmp", amd_bitrate_corruption_fix: false, _controller_profile: 0 }, client_connections: {"9528.client.alvr": ClientConnectionConfig { display_name: "Unknown", current_ip: None, manual_ips: {}, trusted: true, connection_state: Disconnected, cabled: false }, "9528.client": ClientConnectionConfig { display_name: "Unknown", current_ip: None, manual_ips: {}, trusted: true, connection_state: Disconnected, cabled: false }}, session_settings: SettingsDefault { video: VideoConfigDefault { adapter_index: 0, transcoding_view_resolution: FrameSizeDefault { Scale: 1.0, Absolute: FrameSizeAbsoluteDefault { width: 2144, height: OptionalDefault { set: false, content: 1072 } }, variant: Absolute }, emulated_headset_view_resolution: FrameSizeDefault { Scale: 1.0, Absolute: FrameSizeAbsoluteDefault { width: 2144, height: OptionalDefault { set: false, content: 1072 } }, variant: Absolute }, preferred_fps: 72.0, max_buffering_frames: 2.0, buffering_history_weight: 0.9, optimize_game_render_latency: true, bitrate: BitrateConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: false, mode: BitrateModeDefault { ConstantMbps: 30, Adaptive: BitrateModeAdaptiveDefault { gui_collapsed: true, saturation_multiplier: 0.95, max_bitrate_mbps: SwitchDefault { enabled: false, content: 100 }, min_bitrate_mbps: SwitchDefault { enabled: false, content: 5 }, max_network_latency_ms: SwitchDefault { enabled: false, content: 8 }, encoder_latency_limiter: SwitchDefault { enabled: true, content: EncoderLatencyLimiterDefault { max_saturation_multiplier: 0.9 } }, decoder_latency_limiter: SwitchDefault { enabled: true, content: DecoderLatencyLimiterDefault { gui_collapsed: true, max_decoder_latency_ms: 30, latency_overstep_frames: 90, latency_overstep_multiplier: 0.99 } } }, variant: ConstantMbps }, adapt_to_framerate: SwitchDefault { enabled: true, content: BitrateAdaptiveFramerateConfigDefault { framerate_reset_threshold_multiplier: 2.0 } }, history_size: 256, image_corruption_fix: false }, preferred_codec: CodecTypeDefault { variant: H264 }, encoder_config: EncoderConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: true, rate_control_mode: RateControlModeDefault { variant: Cbr }, filler_data: false, h264_profile: H264ProfileDefault { variant: High }, entropy_coding: EntropyCodingDefault { variant: Cavlc }, use_10bit: false, use_full_range: true, encoding_gamma: 1.0, enable_hdr: false, force_hdr_srgb_correction: false, clamp_hdr_extended_range: false, nvenc: NvencConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: true, quality_preset: EncoderQualityPresetNvidiaDefault { variant: P1 }, tuning_preset: NvencTuningPresetDefault { variant: LowLatency }, multi_pass: NvencMultiPassDefault { variant: QuarterResolution }, adaptive_quantization_mode: NvencAdaptiveQuantizationModeDefault { variant: Spatial }, low_delay_key_frame_scale: -1, refresh_rate: -1, enable_intra_refresh: false, intra_refresh_period: -1, intra_refresh_count: -1, max_num_ref_frames: -1, gop_length: -1, p_frame_strategy: -1, rate_control_mode: -1, rc_buffer_size: -1, rc_initial_delay: -1, rc_max_bitrate: -1, rc_average_bitrate: -1, enable_weighted_prediction: false }, amf: AmfConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: true, quality_preset: EncoderQualityPresetAmdDefault { variant: Speed }, enable_vbaq: false, enable_hmqb: false, use_preproc: false, preproc_sigma: 4, preproc_tor: 7, enable_pre_analysis: false }, software: SoftwareEncodingConfigDefault { force_software_encoding: false, thread_count: 0 } }, force_software_decoder: false, mediacodec_extra_options: DictionaryDefault { gui_collapsed: true, key: "", value: MediacodecDataTypeDefault { Float: 0.0, Int32: 0, Int64: 0, String: "", variant: Int32 }, content: [("operating-rate", MediacodecDataTypeDefault { Float: 0.0, Int32: 2147483647, Int64: 0, String: "", variant: Int32 }), ("priority", MediacodecDataTypeDefault { Float: 0.0, Int32: 0, Int64: 0, String: "", variant: Int32 }), ("vendor.qti-ext-dec-low-latency.enable", MediacodecDataTypeDefault { Float: 0.0, Int32: 1, Int64: 0, String: "", variant: Int32 })] }, foveated_encoding: SwitchDefault { enabled: true, content: FoveatedEncodingConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: true, force_enable: false, center_size_x: 0.45, center_size_y: 0.4, center_shift_x: 0.4, center_shift_y: 0.1, edge_ratio_x: 4.0, edge_ratio_y: 5.0 } }, clientside_foveation: SwitchDefault { enabled: true, content: ClientsideFoveationConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: true, mode: ClientsideFoveationModeDefault { Static: ClientsideFoveationModeStaticDefault { level: ClientsideFoveationLevelDefault { variant: High } }, Dynamic: ClientsideFoveationModeDynamicDefault { max_level: ClientsideFoveationLevelDefault { variant: High } }, variant: Dynamic }, vertical_offset_deg: 0.0 } }, color_correction: SwitchDefault { enabled: true, content: ColorCorrectionConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: false, brightness: 0.0, contrast: 0.0, saturation: 0.5, gamma: 1.0, sharpening: 0.5 } } }, audio: AudioConfigDefault { linux_backend: LinuxAudioBackendDefault { variant: Alsa }, game_audio: SwitchDefault { enabled: true, content: GameAudioConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: true, device: OptionalDefault { set: true, content: CustomAudioDeviceConfigDefault { NameSubstring: "pipewire", Index: 0, variant: NameSubstring } }, mute_when_streaming: true, buffering: AudioBufferingConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: true, average_buffering_ms: 50, batch_ms: 10 } } }, microphone: SwitchDefault { enabled: true, content: MicrophoneConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: true, devices: MicrophoneDevicesConfigDefault { Custom: MicrophoneDevicesConfigCustomDefault { sink: CustomAudioDeviceConfigDefault { NameSubstring: "pipewire", Index: 0, variant: NameSubstring }, source: CustomAudioDeviceConfigDefault { NameSubstring: "", Index: 0, variant: NameSubstring } }, variant: Custom }, buffering: AudioBufferingConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: true, average_buffering_ms: 50, batch_ms: 10 } } } }, headset: HeadsetConfigDefault { emulation_mode: HeadsetEmulationModeDefault { Custom: HeadsetEmulationModeCustomDefault { serial_number: "Unknown" }, variant: Quest2 }, extra_openvr_props: VectorDefault { gui_collapsed: true, element: OpenvrPropertyDefault { TrackingSystemName: "", ModelNumber: "", SerialNumber: "", RenderModelName: "", WillDriftInYaw: false, ManufacturerName: "", TrackingFirmwareVersion: "", HardwareRevisionString: "", AllWirelessDongleDescriptions: "", ConnectedWirelessDongle: "", DeviceIsWireless: false, DeviceIsCharging: false, DeviceBatteryPercentage: 0.0, FirmwareUpdateAvailable: false, FirmwareManualUpdate: false, FirmwareManualUpdateURL: "", HardwareRevisionUint64: 0, FirmwareVersion: 0, FPGAVersion: 0, VRCVersion: 0, RadioVersion: 0, DongleVersion: 0, BlockServerShutdown: false, CanUnifyCoordinateSystemWithHmd: false, ContainsProximitySensor: false, DeviceProvidesBatteryStatus: false, DeviceCanPowerOff: false, FirmwareProgrammingTarget: "", DeviceClass: 0, HasCamera: false, DriverVersion: "", FirmwareForceUpdateRequired: false, ViveSystemButtonFixRequired: false, ParentDriver: 0, ResourceRoot: "", RegisteredDeviceType: "", InputProfilePath: "", NeverTracked: false, NumCameras: 0, CameraFrameLayout: 0, CameraStreamFormat: 0, AdditionalDeviceSettingsPath: "", Identifiable: false, BootloaderVersion: 0, AdditionalSystemReportData: "", CompositeFirmwareVersion: "", FirmwareRemindUpdate: false, PeripheralApplicationVersion: 0, ManufacturerSerialNumber: "", ComputedSerialNumber: "", EstimatedDeviceFirstUseTime: 0, ReportsTimeSinceVSync: false, SecondsFromVsyncToPhotons: 0.0, DisplayFrequency: 0.0, UserIpdMeters: 0.0, CurrentUniverseId: 0, PreviousUniverseId: 0, DisplayFirmwareVersion: 0, IsOnDesktop: false, DisplayMCType: 0, DisplayMCOffset: 0.0, DisplayMCScale: 0.0, EdidVendorID: 0, DisplayMCImageLeft: "", DisplayMCImageRight: "", DisplayGCBlackClamp: 0.0, EdidProductID: 0, DisplayGCType: 0, DisplayGCOffset: 0.0, DisplayGCScale: 0.0, DisplayGCPrescale: 0.0, DisplayGCImage: "", LensCenterLeftU: 0.0, LensCenterLeftV: 0.0, LensCenterRightU: 0.0, LensCenterRightV: 0.0, UserHeadToEyeDepthMeters: 0.0, CameraFirmwareVersion: 0, CameraFirmwareDescription: "", DisplayFPGAVersion: 0, DisplayBootloaderVersion: 0, DisplayHardwareVersion: 0, AudioFirmwareVersion: 0, CameraCompatibilityMode: 0, ScreenshotHorizontalFieldOfViewDegrees: 0.0, ScreenshotVerticalFieldOfViewDegrees: 0.0, DisplaySuppressed: false, DisplayAllowNightMode: false, DisplayMCImageWidth: 0, DisplayMCImageHeight: 0, DisplayMCImageNumChannels: 0, SecondsFromPhotonsToVblank: 0.0, DriverDirectModeSendsVsyncEvents: false, DisplayDebugMode: false, GraphicsAdapterLuid: 0, DriverProvidedChaperonePath: "", ExpectedTrackingReferenceCount: 0, ExpectedControllerCount: 0, NamedIconPathControllerLeftDeviceOff: "", NamedIconPathControllerRightDeviceOff: "", NamedIconPathTrackingReferenceDeviceOff: "", DoNotApplyPrediction: false, DistortionMeshResolution: 0, DriverIsDrawingControllers: false, DriverRequestsApplicationPause: false, DriverRequestsReducedRendering: false, MinimumIpdStepMeters: 0.0, AudioBridgeFirmwareVersion: 0, ImageBridgeFirmwareVersion: 0, ImuFactoryGyroBias: ArrayDefault { gui_collapsed: false, content: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] }, ImuFactoryGyroScale: ArrayDefault { gui_collapsed: false, content: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] }, ImuFactoryAccelerometerBias: ArrayDefault { gui_collapsed: false, content: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] }, ImuFactoryAccelerometerScale: ArrayDefault { gui_collapsed: false, content: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] }, ConfigurationIncludesLighthouse20Features: false, AdditionalRadioFeatures: 0, ExpectedControllerType: "", HmdTrackingStyle: 0, DriverProvidedChaperoneVisibility: false, HmdColumnCorrectionSettingPrefix: "", CameraSupportsCompatibilityModes: false, SupportsRoomViewDepthProjection: false, DisplaySupportsMultipleFramerates: false, DisplayColorMultLeft: ArrayDefault { gui_collapsed: false, content: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] }, DisplayColorMultRight: ArrayDefault { gui_collapsed: false, content: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] }, DisplaySupportsRuntimeFramerateChange: false, DisplaySupportsAnalogGain: false, DisplayMinAnalogGain: 0.0, DisplayMaxAnalogGain: 0.0, DashboardScale: 0.0, IpdUIRangeMinMeters: 0.0, IpdUIRangeMaxMeters: 0.0, HmdSupportsHDCP14LegacyCompat: false, HmdSupportsMicMonitoring: false, DriverRequestedMuraCorrectionMode: 0, DriverRequestedMuraFeatherInnerLeft: 0, DriverRequestedMuraFeatherInnerRight: 0, DriverRequestedMuraFeatherInnerTop: 0, DriverRequestedMuraFeatherInnerBottom: 0, DriverRequestedMuraFeatherOuterLeft: 0, DriverRequestedMuraFeatherOuterRight: 0, DriverRequestedMuraFeatherOuterTop: 0, DriverRequestedMuraFeatherOuterBottom: 0, AudioDefaultPlaybackDeviceId: "", AudioDefaultRecordingDeviceId: "", AudioDefaultPlaybackDeviceVolume: 0.0, AudioSupportsDualSpeakerAndJackOutput: false, AttachedDeviceId: "", SupportedButtons: 0, Axis0Type: 0, Axis1Type: 0, Axis2Type: 0, Axis3Type: 0, Axis4Type: 0, ControllerRoleHint: 0, FieldOfViewLeftDegrees: 0.0, FieldOfViewRightDegrees: 0.0, FieldOfViewTopDegrees: 0.0, FieldOfViewBottomDegrees: 0.0, TrackingRangeMinimumMeters: 0.0, TrackingRangeMaximumMeters: 0.0, ModeLabel: "", CanWirelessIdentify: false, Nonce: 0, IconPathName: "", NamedIconPathDeviceOff: "", NamedIconPathDeviceSearching: "", NamedIconPathDeviceSearchingAlert: "", NamedIconPathDeviceReady: "", NamedIconPathDeviceReadyAlert: "", NamedIconPathDeviceNotReady: "", NamedIconPathDeviceStandby: "", NamedIconPathDeviceAlertLow: "", NamedIconPathDeviceStandbyAlert: "", OverrideContainer: 0, UserConfigPath: "", InstallPath: "", HasDisplayComponent: false, HasControllerComponent: false, HasCameraComponent: false, HasDriverDirectModeComponent: false, HasVirtualDisplayComponent: false, HasSpatialAnchorsSupport: false, ControllerType: "", ControllerHandSelectionPriority: 0, variant: TrackingSystemName }, content: [] }, tracking_ref_only: false, enable_vive_tracker_proxy: false, face_tracking: SwitchDefault { enabled: false, content: FaceTrackingConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: true, sources: FaceTrackingSourcesConfigDefault { combined_eye_gaze: true, eye_tracking_fb: true, face_tracking_fb: true, eye_expressions_htc: true, lip_expressions_htc: true }, sink: FaceTrackingSinkConfigDefault { VrchatEyeOsc: FaceTrackingSinkConfigVrchatEyeOscDefault { port: 9000 }, variant: VrchatEyeOsc } } }, body_tracking: SwitchDefault { enabled: false, content: BodyTrackingConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: true, sources: BodyTrackingSourcesConfigDefault { body_tracking_full_body_meta: SwitchDefault { enabled: true, content: BodyTrackingFullBodyMETAConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: true, enable_full_body: true } } }, sink: BodyTrackingSinkConfigDefault { VrchatBodyOsc: BodyTrackingSinkConfigVrchatBodyOscDefault { port: 9000 }, variant: FakeViveTracker }, tracked: true } }, controllers: SwitchDefault { enabled: true, content: ControllersConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: false, tracked: true, enable_skeleton: true, emulation_mode: ControllersEmulationModeDefault { Custom: ControllersEmulationModeCustomDefault { serial_number: "ALVR Controller", button_set: VectorDefault { gui_collapsed: false, element: "/user/hand/left/input/a/click", content: [] } }, variant: Quest2Touch }, extra_openvr_props: VectorDefault { gui_collapsed: true, element: OpenvrPropertyDefault { TrackingSystemName: "", ModelNumber: "", SerialNumber: "", RenderModelName: "", WillDriftInYaw: false, ManufacturerName: "", TrackingFirmwareVersion: "", HardwareRevisionString: "", AllWirelessDongleDescriptions: "", ConnectedWirelessDongle: "", DeviceIsWireless: false, DeviceIsCharging: false, DeviceBatteryPercentage: 0.0, FirmwareUpdateAvailable: false, FirmwareManualUpdate: false, FirmwareManualUpdateURL: "", HardwareRevisionUint64: 0, FirmwareVersion: 0, FPGAVersion: 0, VRCVersion: 0, RadioVersion: 0, DongleVersion: 0, BlockServerShutdown: false, CanUnifyCoordinateSystemWithHmd: false, ContainsProximitySensor: false, DeviceProvidesBatteryStatus: false, DeviceCanPowerOff: false, FirmwareProgrammingTarget: "", DeviceClass: 0, HasCamera: false, DriverVersion: "", FirmwareForceUpdateRequired: false, ViveSystemButtonFixRequired: false, ParentDriver: 0, ResourceRoot: "", RegisteredDeviceType: "", InputProfilePath: "", NeverTracked: false, NumCameras: 0, CameraFrameLayout: 0, CameraStreamFormat: 0, AdditionalDeviceSettingsPath: "", Identifiable: false, BootloaderVersion: 0, AdditionalSystemReportData: "", CompositeFirmwareVersion: "", FirmwareRemindUpdate: false, PeripheralApplicationVersion: 0, ManufacturerSerialNumber: "", ComputedSerialNumber: "", EstimatedDeviceFirstUseTime: 0, ReportsTimeSinceVSync: false, SecondsFromVsyncToPhotons: 0.0, DisplayFrequency: 0.0, UserIpdMeters: 0.0, CurrentUniverseId: 0, PreviousUniverseId: 0, DisplayFirmwareVersion: 0, IsOnDesktop: false, DisplayMCType: 0, DisplayMCOffset: 0.0, DisplayMCScale: 0.0, EdidVendorID: 0, DisplayMCImageLeft: "", DisplayMCImageRight: "", DisplayGCBlackClamp: 0.0, EdidProductID: 0, DisplayGCType: 0, DisplayGCOffset: 0.0, DisplayGCScale: 0.0, DisplayGCPrescale: 0.0, DisplayGCImage: "", LensCenterLeftU: 0.0, LensCenterLeftV: 0.0, LensCenterRightU: 0.0, LensCenterRightV: 0.0, UserHeadToEyeDepthMeters: 0.0, CameraFirmwareVersion: 0, CameraFirmwareDescription: "", DisplayFPGAVersion: 0, DisplayBootloaderVersion: 0, DisplayHardwareVersion: 0, AudioFirmwareVersion: 0, CameraCompatibilityMode: 0, ScreenshotHorizontalFieldOfViewDegrees: 0.0, ScreenshotVerticalFieldOfViewDegrees: 0.0, DisplaySuppressed: false, DisplayAllowNightMode: false, DisplayMCImageWidth: 0, DisplayMCImageHeight: 0, DisplayMCImageNumChannels: 0, SecondsFromPhotonsToVblank: 0.0, DriverDirectModeSendsVsyncEvents: false, DisplayDebugMode: false, GraphicsAdapterLuid: 0, DriverProvidedChaperonePath: "", ExpectedTrackingReferenceCount: 0, ExpectedControllerCount: 0, NamedIconPathControllerLeftDeviceOff: "", NamedIconPathControllerRightDeviceOff: "", NamedIconPathTrackingReferenceDeviceOff: "", DoNotApplyPrediction: false, DistortionMeshResolution: 0, DriverIsDrawingControllers: false, DriverRequestsApplicationPause: false, DriverRequestsReducedRendering: false, MinimumIpdStepMeters: 0.0, AudioBridgeFirmwareVersion: 0, ImageBridgeFirmwareVersion: 0, ImuFactoryGyroBias: ArrayDefault { gui_collapsed: false, content: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] }, ImuFactoryGyroScale: ArrayDefault { gui_collapsed: false, content: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] }, ImuFactoryAccelerometerBias: ArrayDefault { gui_collapsed: false, content: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] }, ImuFactoryAccelerometerScale: ArrayDefault { gui_collapsed: false, content: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] }, ConfigurationIncludesLighthouse20Features: false, AdditionalRadioFeatures: 0, ExpectedControllerType: "", HmdTrackingStyle: 0, DriverProvidedChaperoneVisibility: false, HmdColumnCorrectionSettingPrefix: "", CameraSupportsCompatibilityModes: false, SupportsRoomViewDepthProjection: false, DisplaySupportsMultipleFramerates: false, DisplayColorMultLeft: ArrayDefault { gui_collapsed: false, content: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] }, DisplayColorMultRight: ArrayDefault { gui_collapsed: false, content: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] }, DisplaySupportsRuntimeFramerateChange: false, DisplaySupportsAnalogGain: false, DisplayMinAnalogGain: 0.0, DisplayMaxAnalogGain: 0.0, DashboardScale: 0.0, IpdUIRangeMinMeters: 0.0, IpdUIRangeMaxMeters: 0.0, HmdSupportsHDCP14LegacyCompat: false, HmdSupportsMicMonitoring: false, DriverRequestedMuraCorrectionMode: 0, DriverRequestedMuraFeatherInnerLeft: 0, DriverRequestedMuraFeatherInnerRight: 0, DriverRequestedMuraFeatherInnerTop: 0, DriverRequestedMuraFeatherInnerBottom: 0, DriverRequestedMuraFeatherOuterLeft: 0, DriverRequestedMuraFeatherOuterRight: 0, DriverRequestedMuraFeatherOuterTop: 0, DriverRequestedMuraFeatherOuterBottom: 0, AudioDefaultPlaybackDeviceId: "", AudioDefaultRecordingDeviceId: "", AudioDefaultPlaybackDeviceVolume: 0.0, AudioSupportsDualSpeakerAndJackOutput: false, AttachedDeviceId: "", SupportedButtons: 0, Axis0Type: 0, Axis1Type: 0, Axis2Type: 0, Axis3Type: 0, Axis4Type: 0, ControllerRoleHint: 0, FieldOfViewLeftDegrees: 0.0, FieldOfViewRightDegrees: 0.0, FieldOfViewTopDegrees: 0.0, FieldOfViewBottomDegrees: 0.0, TrackingRangeMinimumMeters: 0.0, TrackingRangeMaximumMeters: 0.0, ModeLabel: "", CanWirelessIdentify: false, Nonce: 0, IconPathName: "", NamedIconPathDeviceOff: "", NamedIconPathDeviceSearching: "", NamedIconPathDeviceSearchingAlert: "", NamedIconPathDeviceReady: "", NamedIconPathDeviceReadyAlert: "", NamedIconPathDeviceNotReady: "", NamedIconPathDeviceStandby: "", NamedIconPathDeviceAlertLow: "", NamedIconPathDeviceStandbyAlert: "", OverrideContainer: 0, UserConfigPath: "", InstallPath: "", HasDisplayComponent: false, HasControllerComponent: false, HasCameraComponent: false, HasDriverDirectModeComponent: false, HasVirtualDisplayComponent: false, HasSpatialAnchorsSupport: false, ControllerType: "", ControllerHandSelectionPriority: 0, variant: TrackingSystemName }, content: [] }, button_mappings: OptionalDefault { set: false, content: DictionaryDefault { gui_collapsed: false, key: "/user/hand/left/input/a/click", value: VectorDefault { gui_collapsed: false, element: ButtonBindingTargetDefault { destination: "/user/hand/left/input/a/click", mapping_type: ButtonMappingTypeDefault { HysteresisThreshold: HysteresisThresholdDefault { value: 0.5, deviation: 0.05 }, BinaryToScalar: BinaryToScalarStatesDefault { off: 0.0, on: 1.0 }, Remap: RangeDefault { min: 0.0, max: 1.0 }, variant: Passthrough }, binary_conditions: VectorDefault { gui_collapsed: true, element: "/user/hand/left/input/trigger/touch", content: [] } }, content: [] }, content: [] } }, button_mapping_config: AutomaticButtonMappingConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: true, click_threshold: HysteresisThresholdDefault { value: 0.5, deviation: 0.05 }, touch_threshold: HysteresisThresholdDefault { value: 0.1, deviation: 0.05 }, force_threshold: 0.8 }, gestures: SwitchDefault { enabled: true, content: HandGestureConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: true, only_touch: true, pinch_touch_distance: 0.0, pinch_trigger_distance: 0.25, curl_touch_distance: 2.0, curl_trigger_distance: 2.5, joystick_deadzone: 40.0, joystick_offset_horizontal: 0.0, joystick_offset_vertical: 0.0, joystick_range: 1.0, activation_delay: 50, deactivation_delay: 100, repeat_delay: 100 } }, steamvr_pipeline_frames: 3.0, linear_velocity_cutoff: 0.05, angular_velocity_cutoff: 10.0, left_controller_position_offset: ArrayDefault { gui_collapsed: true, content: [0.0, 0.0, -0.11] }, left_controller_rotation_offset: ArrayDefault { gui_collapsed: true, content: [-20.0, 0.0, 0.0] }, left_hand_tracking_position_offset: ArrayDefault { gui_collapsed: true, content: [0.04, -0.02, -0.13] }, left_hand_tracking_rotation_offset: ArrayDefault { gui_collapsed: true, content: [0.0, -45.0, -90.0] }, haptics: SwitchDefault { enabled: true, content: HapticsConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: true, intensity_multiplier: 1.0, amplitude_curve: 1.0, min_duration_s: 0.01 } } } }, position_recentering_mode: PositionRecenteringModeDefault { Local: PositionRecenteringModeLocalDefault { view_height: 1.5 }, variant: LocalFloor }, rotation_recentering_mode: RotationRecenteringModeDefault { variant: Yaw } }, connection: ConnectionConfigDefault { stream_protocol: SocketProtocolDefault { variant: Udp }, client_discovery: SwitchDefault { enabled: true, content: DiscoveryConfigDefault { auto_trust_clients: false } }, stream_port: 9944, web_server_port: 8082, osc_local_port: 9942, dscp: OptionalDefault { set: false, content: DscpTosDefault { ClassSelector: 7, AssuredForwarding: DscpTosAssuredForwardingDefault { class: 4, drop_probability: DropProbabilityDefault { variant: Low } }, variant: ExpeditedForwarding } }, server_send_buffer_bytes: SocketBufferSizeDefault { Custom: 100000, variant: Maximum }, server_recv_buffer_bytes: SocketBufferSizeDefault { Custom: 100000, variant: Maximum }, client_send_buffer_bytes: SocketBufferSizeDefault { Custom: 100000, variant: Maximum }, client_recv_buffer_bytes: SocketBufferSizeDefault { Custom: 100000, variant: Maximum }, max_queued_server_video_frames: 1024, avoid_video_glitching: false, aggressive_keyframe_resend: false, on_connect_script: "/home/constantine/.config/alvr/", on_disconnect_script: "/home/constantine/.config/alvr/", packet_size: 1400, statistics_history_size: 256 }, extra: ExtraConfigDefault { logging: LoggingConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: false, client_log_report_level: SwitchDefault { enabled: true, content: LogSeverityDefault { variant: Error } }, log_to_disk: false, log_tracking: false, log_button_presses: false, log_haptics: false, notification_level: LogSeverityDefault { variant: Warning }, show_raw_events: SwitchDefault { enabled: false, content: RawEventsConfigDefault { hide_spammy_events: false } }, prefer_backtrace: false, show_notification_tip: true }, steamvr_launcher: SteamvrLauncherDefault { gui_collapsed: false, driver_launch_action: DriverLaunchActionDefault { variant: UnregisterOtherDriversAtStartup }, open_close_steamvr_with_dashboard: false }, capture: CaptureConfigDefault { gui_collapsed: false, startup_video_recording: false, rolling_video_files: SwitchDefault { enabled: false, content: RollingVideoFilesConfigDefault { duration_s: 5 } }, capture_frame_dir: "" }, patches: PatchesDefault { gui_collapsed: false, linux_async_compute: false, linux_async_reprojection: false }, open_setup_wizard: false } } })
23:38:36.446368103 [INFO] GPU Encoder vendor: Intel iHD driver for Intel(R) Gen Graphics - 24.2.3 ()
23:38:36.446392892 [INFO] Couldn't find AV1 profile. You unlikely to have hardware encoding for it.


I also just reset the profile just to see if this helps anything.

Hi-Angel commented 3 months ago

(yeah, I know it runs currently with an iGPU, I'll use the dGPU once it's working)

Hi-Angel commented 3 months ago

FTR, since I presume we debug some miscommunication between steam and ALVR on the computer, I don't boot the headset at this point.

When you try to start steam vr by hitting the Launch SteamVR button on the ALVR dashboard, what does your logs say? […]

Just to be more specific: when I hit "Launch SteamVR" button, from the logs I posted above appear exactly these two lines:

23:38:36.446368103 [INFO] GPU Encoder vendor: Intel iHD driver for Intel(R) Gen Graphics - 24.2.3 ()
23:38:36.446392892 [INFO] Couldn't find AV1 profile. You unlikely to have hardware encoding for it.

If I press it again, these two lines appear again. SteamVR gets launched as expected.

Macjja commented 3 months ago

(yeah, I know it runs currently with an iGPU, I'll use the dGPU once it's working)

Could you try doing it with the dgpu? At least for me, ALVR wouldn’t work right if I used my igpu.

Also, a lot of people (including myself) had to add ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/bin/ %command% to the commandline options of SteamVR to get the two apps to work properly. It is explained in the first problem in the troubleshooting guide for linux

Hi-Angel commented 3 months ago

(yeah, I know it runs currently with an iGPU, I'll use the dGPU once it's working)

Could you try doing it with the dgpu? At least for me, ALVR wouldn’t work right if I used my igpu.

Also, a lot of people (including myself) had to add ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/bin/ %command% to the commandline options of SteamVR to get the two apps to work properly. It is explained in the first problem in the troubleshooting guide for linux

Thank you, after experimenting a bit I found out that adding a ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/bin/ %command% to the SteamVR launch options made it work correctly and I could connect the ALVR client.

Although, it's worth noting that SteamVR crashes when launching an arbitrary game Left for Dead 2, but that's probably a different story. Whoever developed SteamVR definitely did not use Rust 😉

Hi-Angel commented 2 months ago

@rairay91 did adding the script to the Steam VR launch options solve the problem for you?

rairay91 commented 2 months ago

@rairay91 did adding the script to the Steam VR launch options solve the problem for you?

I registered alvr driver to steamvr. I added firewall rule, I launched steamvr. But my phone not detected. I even added it manually. I guess it is because of obsolate hardware i.e haswell igpu.

Hi-Angel commented 2 months ago

@rairay91 did adding the script to the Steam VR launch options solve the problem for you?

I registered alvr driver to steamvr. I added firewall rule, I launched steamvr. But my phone not detected. I even added it manually.

Right, but did you add the steam script to Steam VR launch options?

rairay91 commented 2 months ago

@rairay91 did adding the script to the Steam VR launch options solve the problem for you?

I registered alvr driver to steamvr. I added firewall rule, I launched steamvr. But my phone not detected. I even added it manually.

Right, but did you add the steam script to Steam VR launch options?

Worked, thanks for help.☺️

Hi-Angel commented 2 months ago

Nice! I think you can close the issue then