alvyxaz / barebones-masterserver

Master Server framework for Unity
475 stars 106 forks source link

How to run master and spawner on VDS or VPS server ? #222

Open obsi22 opened 5 years ago

obsi22 commented 5 years ago

Hi guys. I'm making a multiplayer game. The game works on localhost. But players can't play the game on my localhost. What i have to do ? Am I have to buy VDS or VPS server ? How can define server's information on my game ?

Freebase394 commented 5 years ago

Just Follow the STEPS: **

Freebase394 commented 5 years ago Works Fine here Im Using in same Computer VM's simulating a variant of futures public IP's and i have some issues,
but I found them all getting to understand the logic of my error following the configuration manuals Go to Discord: "" and call for me! @obsi22 👍

obsi22 commented 5 years ago

Thnx i will try

Freebase394 commented 5 years ago

If you have problems tell-me! I help you