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Add exporting to other platforms #259

Open chand1012 opened 2 years ago

chand1012 commented 2 years ago

I did some digging into how we could get publishing to other platforms (other than YouTube) working well, and here is what I found.

Fully Automated Posting

Some Intervention Required

I understand that this is not on our priority list right now, but I was researching this anyways for a personal project, figured I'd post my findings here for future reference.

gatesyp commented 2 years ago

q below: (take ur time in answering)

do you know the difference between a public and personal page? i wonder if most streamers would have a public page vs personal page

chand1012 commented 2 years ago

According to Ben, we probably shouldn't even bother with Facebook until the end. It makes up less than 5% of most content creators' revenue. He did say if they do have a page, it is a public page all the time.